Who puts naked pictures on Twitter and Facebook?
Who puts naked pictures on Twitter and Facebook?
Despite the disgusting-ness of this story, I'm actually really glad that Indiana has a "child seduction" law. With all the shitty laws legislators are passing these days, it's nice to see them doing something right.
Ugh, shit. I thought Deborah was so great on Everybody Loves Raymond and always projected that onto PHeat. Guess not...
I love SNL and loved this sketch, but I've been seeing "Disney housewife" memes on tumblr for a while now.
You tryna say smart looking people can't be promiscuous? My intellectual brown hair and glasses beg to differ.
I live in the South (capitalized for emphasis), and carrying on names is a big deal, at least where I live. I know a lot of young women (I'm 20) who are dating or engaged to guys with roman numerals attached to their names (John Smith III, Mike Jones IV), and they are very concerned with their ability to produce a son…
My grandma is a little batshit crazy, so there's that to consider, too.
Well, then take a nap. THEN FIRE THE MISSILES.
Forgive me if this has already been stated somewhere, but does anyone have experiences of a woman not wanting a girl because she can't carry on the family name? My dad's parents were definitely disappointed when my mom churned out two weak females as opposed to a male heir. My grandma actually asked my mom what my dad…
What the hell else are you supposed to talk about on the Oscar's red carpet besides the fashion? That is why these red carpet shows even exist. At least Ryan knows what he's talking about and knows how to carry on a conversation that doesn't make me want to shrivel up from awkwardness. He is a professional; since when…
I don't know whether to LOL so hard because this guy is the GOP frontrunner or to cower in fear that he MIGHT (I live in Tennessee, and there are crazies here who agree with him) be President someday.
Oh hell yes.
I go to Tennessee! Go Vols! :)
Ugh, preach.
I am so confused. I spent much of my childhood in Europe and was never a Girl Scout, but I always got the impression it was just an organization that little girls joined were in to learn about the ways of nature and the woods? And also to sell cookies. Srsly. Can someone please help me figure out how they are…
This. Also, your wife would have the ability to carry a concealed handgun as well. Mutually assured destruction. It's not a pretty thought, but it may be necessary.
I always find myself in that weird in-between phase of consciousness and sleep. Once, I was asleep and a plane flew overhead. I lived on the 10th floor of a 13 floor building that was located on the highest hill in the city, so I heard (very LOUD) planes all the time. In my dream state, I thought the plane was going…