
Ahhh I love a man who can appreciate good hips. And yes, my butt is awesome. Huge, but you could bounce a quarter off it. Courtesy of my momma and years of ballet training.

Bahaha I love this. Guy I'm seeing refers to my butt as "dat ass." Not mad about it.

Shit. My butt looks like Christina's. Guess I'm plump.

Every college student on earth already knows this.

I actually met him! He had a show where I live and came to this giant party I was at. He seemed genuinely surprised that people knew who he was. Cool dude. Also, I love Ellie Goulding.

Y'all, the worst part of this story is that the sassy Jet Blue flight attendant thing was "a few years back." Why do I still think this was a few months ago? Old.

Yeah and I also think that their rumored hookups also make people more forgiving of his actions. There's probably that mentality of "Well she still hooks up with him, so it can't have been that bad." Sad.

Yeah and I also think that their rumored hookups also make people more forgiving of his actions. There's probably that mentality of "Well she still hooks up with him, so it can't have been that bad." Sad.

Nope, not what I'm suggesting at all. I follow your train of thought a little more...She's arguably more famous and more successful than he is, so had she expressed concern over him performing, I'm sure Grammy producers would have listened. Rihanna+Coldplay > better (sort of) performance than Chris Brown playing light

Nope, not what I'm suggesting at all. I follow your train of thought a little more...She's arguably more famous and more successful than he is, so had she expressed concern over him performing, I'm sure Grammy producers would have listened. Rihanna+Coldplay > better (sort of) performance than Chris Brown playing light

Did anyone ask Rihanna how she felt about Chris Brown performing?

Did anyone ask Rihanna how she felt about Chris Brown performing?

Thank you for your kind words. My dad's family is actually from Vares...it's a huge family so you've surely met some of my relatives! Small world. As far as the language goes, I've only seen the English version (I live in Tennessee, so the fact that I even saw it is a big deal). I saw some clips on youtube of the

No, you're putting words in my mouth. I am very glad that she used local actors when she could easily have used American ones. But the fact is, the majority of people view this as "Angelina's movie about Bosnia," not "Zana Marjanovic's movie about Bosnia" or "Goran Kostic's movie about Bosnia." The implication, even

Oh, hm. Learn something new every day.

I'm from Bosnia, and I don't know how I feel about this film.

Wait...Queen Latifah's gay?

Andy Levy, marry me.

I know! I freaked out when I heard that. It seems so...regular...for such a powerhouse.

Someone should tell him that "America" is a continent, of which Mexico is a part.