We would be excellent test subjects for the laptop/aspartame cancer link.
We would be excellent test subjects for the laptop/aspartame cancer link.
Guess this means I'll just have to eat my Nutella with a spoon instead of slathered on a French loaf...
We are the same person. And I drink so much Diet Coke, the aspartame thing will probably come true for me.
I'm 20 and I worry about this too! In fact, I was balancing my laptop on my stomach and just sat up after reading your comment. Oops.
My mom raised me by herself until I was about four. I used to go run little errands by myself when I was like three. Any time she left to do something important, she calmly and carefully instructed me to stay in my crib and not let anyone in, and I always sort of understood and listened.
None of these clothes are cute.
^ Preach. When I see whiny, selfish, bratty people these days, my first thought is "Someone didn't beat them enough."
I was spanked a few times as a kid, but my mother's favorite form of punishment was not speaking to me for long stretches (read: a day...that's years in kid time). Much more effective.
You should definitely say something. I think if I were leaving my child in someone's care, I would want to know how they are disciplining them.
The "no verified data" excuse has been used by genocide deniers during every genocide in the past hundred years (Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, etc.). Thank God for YouTube and various social media sites for providing definitive proof of crimes against humanity. Also, your logic that intervention…
Props to Andrea Mitchell for including men in this discussion. Many people seem to forget that men can get breast cancer, too, so I'm glad she mentioned they need screening and preventive care as well.
Gurl, I had (maybe still have...) a Spice Girls gym bag, 3 Spice Girls posters, Spice World, all of their CDs (and one copy on tape...remember those?!), Spice Girls pencils, and every Spice Girls barbie. NO SHAME.
I don't buy the "this didn't come from one of us" story for a minute. With the anonymous student's rather telling assertion of the events that took place before the email got leaked, there's not a doubt in my mind that this came from a Kappa Sigma member at USC. While I understand why IFC and the fraternity would want…
I created an account specifically because of this case. I go to a large state school and, being in a sorority, I interact with a lot of guys in fraternities on a regular basis, and have actually seen how fraternity members react to accusations of assault, sexism, misogyny, etc. It is worth mentioning that not every…