Disappointing Snacks

No, Glenn was going to use fire right before he dumpster died. I don’t remember the timeline exactly, but I don’t think him and Daryl had a chance to trade secrets between Daryl’s adventure and Glenn’s.

I was so mad about the ants. Like on top of everything else, f'kin ants.

Also, one look at Sam with his red, sunken, hollow eyes and sweaty hair, and I'm just saying he looks like he could use a scotch. Help him take the edge off. Don't tell me alcoholic dad doesn't have something around the house.

Yeah. I thought the monster thing was a set up. I fully thought his mom was going to get done up in zombie guts and then go into his room to get him and then he'd "kill the monster". But I guess Carol's messages of doom need more time to fully materialize.

The tower confuses me. Did the zombies lift one end up and tip it over because it didn't make sense how it was falling. If they were pushing at it from ground level, then it should have fallen back on them? But whatever. People were wearing open toed shoes. Anything could have happened.

Well, If they were true fans, they would have been more committed. Only fake fans "control burn".

You're saying it wasn't?

And like Soylent green said earlier, why didn't the rest of the forest burn? The bodies were burnt to a crisp, but the rest of the woods looked ok.

I totally agree! I remember her saying that but I don't think it has ever come up on the show. Unless she's the one putting out all these Forrest fires people are randomly setting. Plus, don't firefighters get basic paramedic training? You'd think that would have come up. She's just not a talker I guess.

No kidding. They found a fitting prosthetic leg for Herschel. I haven't done the market research, but I feel like coming across a crossbow would be at least twice as likely.

Not only that, but the kid tells Rick that his son might be going over the wall to look for Enid, and Rick's reaction is to go check on Jessie?? I wonder if the Walking Dead writers are as detached from their families in real life. It's like they have no frame of reference.

I really thought it was a strange jump for him to go from This Is All My Fault to You Can Name Your Kid After Me.

Counterpoint: Her??

But Rick was about to say something when he got attacked. What was he going to say?! Like you, I thought maybe he had been bit and he was going to make his "if I don't make it back" speech. I hope not!

The things that bugged me about the episode, why did they have to set a store on fire again? There were all those trees and bushes by the feed store. Wouldn't those have worked? Wasn't it worth a shot at least?
And second, why doesn't everyone cover themselves in zombie guts anymore? Just as a precaution. They

It's turtles all the way down.

He has the power to make everyone stop fighting him while he's giving a speech or fighting other people. That is true badass.

George Foreman laughs mightily.

I picture her as having a list with everyone's name on it, and you're either still on the list or you have a big black line crossed through your name. DTM, MFs.