Disappointing Snacks

Go choke on a nail, you compulsive masterbater.

Is it a statistical fact, though? Does everybody believe the polls in an election where the polls were notoriously wrong?

Well, I have no idea what you’re talking about here. I’m only pointing out that people and organizations that communicate in hostile, mocking, and insulting ways tend to inspire more of the same. They set a tone for conversation, and they can’t just back out of it when it’s one of their ideas. That’s not me being

So YOU admit....That’s not at all what I said.

Are you vegetarian Cerusee? Just wondering, because being vegetarian or vegan does 1) change your palate, and 2) put some of these meal choices in a different context. I’ve been veggie most of my life and while I enjoy cooking and probably prefer eating vegetable based meals, I am also very happy to have the soy

That’s Putin in a wig!

Well, maybe if trump and his supporters weren’t the first ones to publicly  mock, deride, and even outright threaten others with ideas, styles, or customs that weren’t in line with their own, maybe people would cut them a little more slack. I know I would.

That goes for everybody in the apocalypse x1000. Sorry, but the bad jokes and long speeches and the bobbing up and down and the spotless leather jacket with the kerchief... I just don’t see anyone following that guy. He seems like he would be selling sham-wows on late night tv.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is terrible in this! Always bobbing up and down at the knees for every line. I have known many sarcastic f*cks and none of them actually do that. He's like the Mr. Roper of psychotic villains.

I Agree. Richard had a couple of surprisingly huge character flaws (his plan to use Carol as bait came 100% out of no where for me) but overall he seemed like he had things to contribute. Plus, for some reason, it's like all these surviving communities are made up of a whole bunch of incompetent people. I'm baffled

Establishing discriminating criteria is not the same thing as being hypocritical.

Insert old spice whistle

She was reading up on the signs of infection and it took an epiphany to figure out how to lance an abscess. That's like Scout level medicine right there, tho.

Ok, so she wanted the drugs. And a new scrip pad. :)

Again, she was a psychiatrist, so personal growth/ confronting reality was probably important to her. And second, it wasn't the zombie that killed her. Maybe you could say she shouldn't have been out that day, but people have already got inside that compound and they probably will again. Walls fall. Maybe she was

People are really overrating her medical value. I know she did a residency, but honestly, it's not like Dr. Oz or anything. Besides, the way this show treats medical practice, literally anyone can pick up the book Denise was reading in the beginning and be the next doctor in a couple of weeks.

Rosita's pretty badass though. If they keep her around, she could be a great character. Moving her away from Abraham seemed forced, but it might give her character some needed breathing room.

It still amazes me that Denise was able to perform that surgery, apparently while everyone else was out there fighting. Huh. Must not be that hard.

Wellll, realistically she wasn't really a *doctor* doctor. She was a psychiatrist stand in. I get that's a type of doctor, but when she first took over for Alcoholic Doctor, she was stressing out studying the signs of infection. If, in this world, you can go from that to performing major eye surgery on Carl ,

Plus, the rocket launcher to light a lake of propane and nothing in the town gets burned? Even with presumably some stray fire zombies? Weren’t they fighting pretty much right outside where Carl was? And no fire danger, huh? No worries?