Disappointing Snacks

Nobody puts Michonne in a corner!

Yeah, I'm curious about Deanna's poker playing. I say they call poker night and put it to the test.

Called it!

*walt hides his Lilly of the Valley plant and says, "you're absolutely right."

Doh! Totally forgot. To be fair, with some of the minor characters, sometimes it's hard to tell when they're there or not. They still could have brought it up though if that's supposed to be her story! Or just had her there. I would have rather seen her take charge with that fire truck than have had the Bob2

Maybe it was that letter stamper kid. Carol might not know who she's messing with. That kid might have multiple levels. (That stamping thing was weird. Who has an A stamp?)

Yeah she could have just said she was going in there to get more chocolate for cookies or something. I get where they're going, I just felt this tipped her hand too much in case stamper kid decides to talk.

Was she a firefighter? Boy. You'd think that would have come up when they were driving that fire truck. If I remember right, Abraham was the one crawling all over that thing. Sasha was just hanging out.

And she turned on the light! In dark abandoned towns, that's maybe not the stealthiest

Oh. I was so convinced that was train car symbolism. Look at that.

But Rick's probably not in his HMO so he's kind of expendable.
Not to mention he seems to be the alcoholic, rages kind of doctor. Dr. Convenience, I think he's called. At your service.

Someone crawls through a window asking for cookies and you think that of me?!?

Walt would have killed the kid though. Or baked cookies with ricin.

But it was flowers, see? Look at the flowers.

I don't know about that light argument. It's just that I really like the color blue. I've worn a lot of blue in all different kinds of light. I have never once looked down and thought "where did these white jeans come from?"

But she still had one of the best lines.
"So there's 12 wild cards? Are you kidding me?" It's like no one even bothers to listen to Eugene but her.

Ha! I need to get one of those for my house then!

Zone One was also pretty good. The plot was really meandering/ slow, but in terms of world building, it could offer a lot of pointers to this show.

Can someone please put a hat on that baby? For two seasons now. It's pretty basic.

The tank yes, but also the hospital with the electricity, food, and running water (enough for a laundry!)