Disappointing Snacks

Even though there's so much death
We must all acknowledge Beth
Even though we had no reason
Till the last part of last season

It's strange that Sasha wasn't in that sequence. I get that the others were all dead and everything, but it's just strange she wasn't even in the background as some kind of lingering sentiment.

He said "People wearing dead people's faces." But he said a lot of stuff in that episode. It could have meant something or it could have just been another part of the Clear theory.

I don't know if he's the Smoking Man, but I imagine there might be some kind of crossover with the Chupacabra storyline.

Rick rolled. When Never Gonna Give You Up starts playing, people better protect their necks!

Well, guessing in that there is no zombie outbreak and I didn't write the show. But it seems to be supported by the show. We haven't seen anyone turn spontaneously yet, without dying or having been bit. Is that what you're thinking? Or that maybe not everyone is infected? Interesting possibilities.

Was he getting infected because of his hand? I know Rosita said no, but all the shots of his busted knuckles after the zombie fight plus the sudden change in behavior, I thought maybe that's where they were going? Of course, with this show, maybe it meant nothing.

Still couldn't take out the gov before he offed her dad, though.

So, where does the hospital get all that energy to run everything? Lights on everywhere, laundry, cleaning, cooking, medical equipment, and I'm just going to say ironing seems really over the top. Even the CDC's generator's ran out like a year ago. THE CDC. And the prison's. yet these people are still OCD washing

Refusing to grow is the cure!!

Jeebus, I really hate that character.

I don't know. Everyone has their own TV tastes, but I always thought The Walking Dead and Homeland were about equally believable.

Upvoted for the rabid raccoon survivalist question.

Everyone has a dormant virus. Coming into contact with an active infection seems to change the game. And cooking the virus only works effectively if the meat is well done. Judging from the lovely shot of Bob's non-charred foot on the fire, I'd say they were more of a medium-rare to rare crowd.

So, if that's the case for Joshua Jackson, I'll just say "Haay, Josh!" Lol.

Ha! I'm picturing the big Kool-Aide pitcher smashing through the church wall each time it's communion!

Carol was more upset about Daryl smashing those taillights than she's been about almost anything lately. They're just taillights, Carol!

So does that mean they do know?

Why'd they keep him alive though? Now they have to carry around a one leg man. You'd think they'd have just cooked him up and packed him for easier carrying. Of curse then you don't get to make a speech.

But the Terminus people have been killing people. I'm sure they've seen some turn by now. They must know.