This has got to be an AirBNB party house.....designed by AI.
This has got to be an AirBNB party house.....designed by AI.
The guy that buys this house doesn’t care either way because they can’t cook.
What refrigerator? There doesn’t seem to be an obvious fridge.
No, thats over in Aspen.
Why click, read, and comment on the article if you despise the site so much? Why drive up their engagement metrics, you know, the one thing the site depends upon for ad money? Why waste your time when it helps them so much?
Still hoping he’ll give you the chance to blow him? Sad.
All of them. Absofuckinglutely every single one is better than the company notorious for calling the police on their customers.
There is some ELon Dripping down your chin Mr Trump
Hertz Is So Desperate To Unload Tesla Inventory It’s Asking Customers If They Just Want To Keep Their Rentals
Next week’s article: “Hertz accuses renters of ‘theft’ after they accept super low-ball offers”
I might consider this deal if the car came with an “Elon Sucks” bumper sticker...
Yes. The families really do want that. They want the bones of their relatives and loved ones laid to rest in the respective homelands with their correct religious rites said over them.
Eew. Then I’d have to make a Hertz rental and own a Tesla. That’s a dookie double dose.
Families need closure in terms of the “what” and the “why” of the incident. It hasn’t been about the hopes of recovering remains for a decade.
I wonder what would have happened had Ford instead (with different styling cues) called it a Thunderbird. It would have used a dormant (but still historically significant) name, and maybe had a better--pun not intended--connection with electricity. After all, thunder comes after lighning, and lightning to…
Jaguar did the market research, sure. But did they ask people if they are willing to buy a Jaguar specifically? Or just about the general attributes that factor into a “luxury car”. Jaguar as a brand doesn’t have the recognition that they once had. I wish them luck, but I think the odds are against them.
90's era Chrysler took all sorts of wild swings, made interesting things, did top-tier concept cars, and if they weren’t American, more people would recognize that.