Are you entirely sure that you weren't enamored by the Q70's interior, but wanted to defend the QX80 because of its exterior, and were too embarrassed to admit your mistake? Because we would all totally understand.
Are you entirely sure that you weren't enamored by the Q70's interior, but wanted to defend the QX80 because of its exterior, and were too embarrassed to admit your mistake? Because we would all totally understand.
Fun fact: If you read this article with your head tilted at a 90 degree angle, it's a story about a man who drives his 1973 Baja Bug, without any issues, has driven it sensibly from point A to point B from the moment he purchased the car and never had to deal with any pricks trying to pry hard earned money from him.…
Oh, it exists!
Especially at such great lengths!
Nailed it.
I'm really glad this article didn't suck.
Will it Patrick?
In response to Ferrari's hotel, other car manufacturers have responded with some of their own:
Haha! I don't know if my sarcasm detector is off, or if I really DID get you, but I just Photoshopped that whole conversation. Didn't mean to alarm you!
Just removing the fender vent alone makes this thing look miles better.
I actually clicked on this article thinking "who exactly will buy this thing?"