Come on SF! This is the type of behavior I'd expect from Atlanta...
Come on SF! This is the type of behavior I'd expect from Atlanta...
Came her to post these. 1000 times yes. I am not usually one to judge, but don't be surprised if I automatically hate you for having these rims.
Spinning rims, specifically on second generation Escalades, since you KNOW they bought into the trend circa 2003-2006, and are now stuck with the consequences.
Any car with a minuscule third row of seats (pictured: Mitsubishi Outlander). With five people in the car, it is acceptable, but the moment that sixth person gets in, the road trip is officially ruined. I picked the Outlander because in addition to being squeezed in the back of an already smallish SUV, it's not even…
"Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?"
There would have been at least a dozen more of these stories if the other Chevy trucks in the area would start in the first place, amiright?!
Holy hell, I hadn't even noticed that. I kind of hate that steering wheel now.
As beautiful as that looks, I have to respectfully disagree. Modern cars just don't have the same aesthetics with a two spoke. Take for example the 2014 S class. Drop dead gorgeous interior, but that steering wheel has got to go:
I miss the "Midget with its head cut off" steering wheels.
Urgh, driving in San Francisco is the EXACT reason I can't stand bikers on the road anymore... They whine and bitch that they deserve "the same rights as drivers", yet ignore stop signs, make turns without signalling and, as you stated so well, are very self-righteous little asshats.
This Camaro totally agrees.
One time I got a strawberry on my forehead for somehow toppling one of these over. Pretty crazy, right?
The Colorado Crew 1LT has a 185 HP I4, and weighs about 4,000lbs. That's good for 21.6 hp/lb. Oh yeah, and the 4 speed auto doesn't do it any favors, either.
I agree! But I would add because this:
"Can someone get me off stage? This is getting kind of awkward."
On a lighter note, what is up with that lifted Ford Escort in the first few seconds of the video? That thing looks oddly rad. Kudos to whoever actually decided to spend that sort of money on an Escort. Good for you!
Of the 99 Audis, how many of them broke down?
The narrator also spends a lot of time wistfully imagining an "automatic driving mechanism" that would eliminate human error and make driving truly safe.
Canada's National Post reports that an electrical fire sparked up in a Range Rover, and the flames spread to two other Land Rovers and a Jaguar. The fire did more than $400,000 worth of damage according to the local fire chief (who is hilariously named Larry Bentley), and the most expensive one destroyed was the…