Beige bites back?
The best remedy for that would be to actually DRIVE the Lexus. Definitely one of the best sedatives available.
That was the case for the lady with the Faberge spider (I think it was). She wanted like, $2k, and he offered about $18000. She then proceeded to try to get more money out of him.
Haha, came here to say just that. Leaving happy.
Granted this article is almost three years old, but any article in which a Camry comes in first is no friend of mine.
Well it's that or making a "pussy" pun for every Jaguar:
Yeah, I guess it does smell of something...
Don't give her crap, she's just having a shitty day.
Heart click for you sir!
Holy hell. I used to drink Surge by the boatloads. I forgot all about that drink...
Do you think she has a Tumblr?