
Funny old thing life... hey, “MHarrisEP” how’s those gun rights now? Still “protecting” people? “Protecting” a lot of people in Texas lately, maybe y’all should do something about it. You know, since another five people have been “protected,” and the rest of us live in fear of being “protected.”

Nah, because I’m practically a tee-totaler, and have NEVER been into whisky... I got the Jameson ad too. If the ads were based on browsing habits mine would just be Star Wars/Batman shirts or expensive pet food for days.

I’ve always loved this clip. The whole idea of changing the map to correct or unconscious biases is, quite frankly, fucking amazing. Now, I see some of the more “woke” hosts with maps that are “upside down” or backwards, and I wonder if this is why.

There’s this weird idea Dems have that GOP voters are simply confused liberals; therefore the Dems should approach them as though they are a frightened kitten in the middle of the highway, move too fast and they’ll run away, possibly to disaster. You see this constantly in the hand-wringing “Why did white people vote

The only good Koch is a dead one.

I keep trying to extend empathy to wackadoo Conservative types, but their refusal to live in the real world and their... POISONOUS conspiracy theories make it hard to feel anything but utter contempt for their very existence. These people's very existence is a "Fuck You" to Darwin.

Even if you had a point (which you don't), you're still a racist piece of shit by your own words. Racist garbage fires don't get anything except insults.

I had been thinking more of Richard Spencer and his goons, but Netanyahu can easily fall inside that camp, although much like GOP goons and Drumpsterfire, his elections are not indicative of even the majority of Israeli desires. Anti-Semitism is very alive and well; people like Netanyahu want to use it as a

Sorry bro, but the natural progression of Right-wing politics IS fascism. The promotion of strict hierarchy, the stratification of society, the rejection of egalitarianism and xenophobic/isolationist rhetoric ARE the foundation of Conservatism as a political ideology. This is why it appeals so strongly to the blindly

I honestly think Drumpsterfire and his cronies are attempting to bring about “The End Times.” Even a moron could see that his agenda in the middle East has been... inflammatory at best, and outright destabilizing at worst. Add in the Right Wing Netanyahu government and their complete disregard for the wishes of their

If America had literally been created to dump refugees of a targeted genocide, then your argument would have merit. I do not support Israeli incursion into the West Bank, do think that illegal settlement should be more actively prosecuted and prevented, and support a two state solution. I am always careful that my

That’s because there is no "valid" oppositional point to "Facism is bad," you worthless trash.

Well perhaps Splinter could stop running yet another, tired-ass take on how aDNA test to determine genetic ancestry was A Big Offensive Mistake. It seems like every time Bernie was down in the polls, Splinter would trot that tired old dog out to discuss why it was more offensive for Warren to do a DNA test (after

You’re wasting your breath; we, your regular readers, don’t need pictures to empathize with these children and to feel responsible. Republicans will look at those pictures, *pity* the children and continue to not give two shits because they aren’t American children. Because they will uphold an unjust law simply

I was in middle school when Columbine happened, so by the time I got to high school it was in our collective conscious, but school shooting hadn’t become “a thing” yet. Where I lived, drive-byes were kind of common, but we were all just “wary.” My sophomore year, someone opened the side door and threw a string of

Cool story, bro.

Cool story, bro.

We have to own our part in this too; the Left has been...bad...at acknowledging it’s own flaws (rampant mysogyny comes screaming to mind, Al Franken and how upset people were that he was held accountable for his actions), and that helps feed the Alt-Right narrative that the Left only cares about the “optics” of being

Ever since the North Hollywood BofA shootout, (at least here in Cali.) every patrol car has an AR-15 and cadets are trained to use them. In the bank robbery, police were outgunned and pinned down; .223 rounds have a great deal of penetrating power, so body armor is somewhat useless. The big advantage over a handgun is

RIGHT? I’m not trying to take goulish delight at the misfortune of others, but plenty of shitty Texans jumped on board the “If only the good guys had guns,” blame-train for literally every shooting... except the ones that happen in Texas. Then it’s suddenly, “How dare you politicize this tragedy, this was a random and