
People can take a lot of stabbing without dying and they can take a lot of slicing without dying. What’s terrible is that these pictures in many ways aren’t that bad. I don’t know if worse photos were provided (I can only assume there were), but most of these people are only superficially injured (or so it seems).

It’s because Americans are proud of being “different,” and think that it means we’re “better.” Because of this lack of interest in anything not American, most of them have no idea what healthcare is like outside of the US. They believe whatever bullshit their jeezus approved GOP rep tells them and are too stupid and

I’m very glad you survived!

I lack your optimistic outlook. I keep hearing “Texas/Arizona/Tennessee/Florida isn’t *really* like that,” yet nothing ever changes politically. In fact, it seems like the stain of conservatism is spreading. As far as I can tell, this IS how these states are. A Georgia white lady will coo about her “lovely

Justice wears a blindfold not because she's blind, but because she's embarrassed.

Please; dogs are intelligent and loyal companions who are often keenly motivated by a communal sense of pack, they innately understand that the pack is only as strong as its weakest member.

Don’t be silly, that’s the words of that wussy “Jesus” dude. Republicans don’t listen to a damn thing *he* said.

My best friend shot herself.

“I recognize that that super-fucking-racist thing I said could have been interpreted as super-fucking-racist...”

People like this are why IDGAF about “finding common ground," or "reaching across the aisle." I will never tolerate or respect people of this stripe; I don't really see this as a problem, more like a point of pride. Someone who really is repentant and remorseful, I will welcome with open arms. These useless shits I

Honestly, I agree.

I find it hard to dredge any sympathy for the Red States. It’s not just Drumpsterfire; they overwhelming *choose* bad policies and even worse politicians to be as petty as possible. They *choose* to ignore the very concept of environmental science, despite the Dust Bowl having been recent enough that it should have

Yes. That was all just the *beginning* of the background check. You also had to pass a polygraph where you were asked “are you loyal to the United States of America?” and other...um, kind of jingoistic questions. You then had to pass a psych eval and a physical.

... I thought this was a feminist site? Isn’t removing gendered stereotypes generally seen as beneficial to feminist goals? I mean, y'all starting to look a lot like straw feminists if this is the prevailing attitude.

Religion is how you convince otherwise good people to do horrific things... And how you give terrible people power to do terrible things. 

What you’re describing would actually be business as normal. In theory, every cop has/had a background investigator poking around in their private life. I went through the process of applying to be a cop, graduating the academy, and then I understood what I was going myself into so I panicked and said I smoked weed to

Wow... So this is what it must be like to live in a country with a functional government. I'll be sure to screenshot it for future yearnings.

Oh, please.

My best friend in fifth grade was Muslim and I actually considered converting for a bit. I read the Muslim equivalent of children’s bible-stories and got a shaky, but well rounded grasp of Islam. I ultimately decided ALL religions are useless, but that early exposure left me feeling very friendly towards Islam.

We're doing just fine getting the trash to take itself out of California, we can remove it from the White House too. We don't need to "talk" tough, a history of strikes and Black Block shows that the Left prefers to be reasonable...but not stupid. Drumpsterfire doesn't own as much of the military or police as Fox