
Jeep. Wrangler.

Congrats you broke a rod bigger than a 2jz-gte’s

There’s nothing on a Land Rover that outback mechanics can’t fix with some cable ties, a couple of screwdrivers and a big fucking hammer.

also more $$ when they start charging taxes by the mile

Now that’s a mad scientist engine right there! Who are these people coming up with such weird engines, and what amount of absynth makes that level of creativity possible? Normal drugs, like beer and weed, don’t work on that level.

I myself was hoping to start an aftermarket vinyl face sticker business for Model 3 customers... you know, to fund my Model S. >:)

I may have seen two of them but I met a recruiter once. Recruiter said Delta made SF school look like boy scout camp. Recruiter said they are where you think they aren’t, South America, Africa, and Asia. They do what the Pentagon/President tells them to do. Beyond that. I don’t know.

Jaclyn would work. I would love to have a nav system with her voice.