“I give are president all the credit in the world!!!”
“I give are president all the credit in the world!!!”
Haha..my thoughts exactly. AirBNB does not affect my mortgage by even $0.01. Also, that’s the beautiful thing about OWNING property. You can do whatever you damn well please with it.
You don’t have to be “blue collar” to be a worker. Anyone who depends on that weekly paycheck (it should be weekly, a Union would fix that) is a worker.
Dr. Ronny needs to learn to drink with the grain of the liquor.
The Shit Train always runs on time, Randy Bo Bandy. Gotta keep the shit schedule.
Hear that shitwhistle blowing, Randers? The shit train is pulling into Shit Station.
“The winds of shit are in the air.”
If only there were regulations against this sort of thing.
Ron Howard voice: He didn’t just sound like a total dick...
The schadenfreude in me says, good, fuck these ignorant assholes. The reality is that the republican oligarchs want ignorance. It’s how they keep their power.
Who is Lionel Hutz? That is very clearly Miguel Sanchez.
This post alone makes me more interested in your platform than anything this group of mealy-mouthed losers could ever put out. DILKINGTON 2020!
“Sammies” are what British soldiers called American soldiers in WW1.
I’m sure this will be entirely ignored by her loyal audience, who are just happy to see Fox no longer visibly holding the L inflicted on them by a teenager over Twitter, but:
Da Sox are trooly da team of REAL Chi-ca-go Grabowskis, since dey play in dis cold wedder at Cuhmiskey Park overbydere. Cupple two-tree snowflakes don’t bother dem none. D’ose *homophobic slur* Northsider *homophobic slurs* had ta cancel dere game tho.
Higher Love is a classic, man.
“Children, which irregularly produc’d may be attended with much Inconvenience”