
At some point a couple seasons ago, he realized that playing unfocused silly matches was taking a toll on his body and that, while it allowed him to beat a number of players, he had to be focused to beat the bests. The thing is that you cannot play like an idiot 90% of your matches and suddenly become focused in tough

$400M is a bargain compared to the billions that teams demand. The state legislature held firm on not tearing down the dome. Lots to unpack in that deal but ask Miami how it feels to be on the bad end of a deal, not New Orleans and Lousiana.

In lieu of flowers, send tax breaks.

Take that back. BG (as I like to call him) is awesome!

Drink every time he:

You see, what I like about your response, is you took the avatar of the person you were replying to, and worked it into the your response with that avatars best putdown meme.

“Jokes on you, Robby. My wife has a nut allergy, which is why we can’t even have sex anymore.”

Anderson now facials up to a year in jail.

You just described all of Florida.

He killed Nicole?!

I think he certainly does have multiple ‘sources’.

All of this talk about Brady’s hand really makes you paws and think.

Great sentence, but ... what?

Depends how raw the water is.

How much water must one drink to heal a fracture?

Given the number of bullshit PI calls against the Saints, I don’t blame Williams not going to get the ball.

Brett Favre still threw that pick, there will be no karmic payoff that will resolve that.

Yet another tragic instance of pressing the dive button when you should have pressed the tackle button.

It’s gotten really, really quiet around here, both in the house and outside. Seriously, all of Louisiana should be put on suicide watch.

As a Saints fan, I am ready to smash my head against the wall for the rest of the night. Someone check on me in the morning.