
They had a TO that they used on defense just aplay or two before. They didn’t need to use the TO at time, but I presumed the message was same: “Keep everyone in front and tackle in bounds if possible.”

No. Vikes has no TOS; did you really not watch game?

But the margin was 5

Falcons D ain’t that bad. In no way would it qualify as “shit”.

Then scoreboard was wrong. They burned final TO early in last drive on a pass over middle.

I was wondering where my wife was during the 1st half of the game....

If the players were cool with it, who cares?

Gumbo Gumbo this, ya jackass!

Nah, it’s you with your butthurt self that can fuck off. Your comment is nonsensical: If a person knows something is wrong and does it anyway,it’s not a mistake...he’s an asshat.

Solid reference.

He’s from New Orleans. But yeah, Geography.

Not an Eli fan, but outside of his accent how is he a “redneck”? Guy went to a prestigious private school in New Orleans (the chocolate city!), and has 2nd most all-time consecutive starts at QB for the New York football Giants.

Nah, that was just god-awful tackling by the Deadskins.

They’ll be making the playoffs, sir. Sure, they have issues on run D, but starting to get comfortable with the offensive tools in place...if team can grab early leads,they’ll be a damn solid front-running team.

You want us to feel bad for you because you’re a front-runner and not really a fan?

Good God that song was awful.

No snark intended, but you live in Mississippi? Or Kansas?

Yeah, not sure the Y-Y numbers are statistically significant.

Oh how dare you...

Said every shitty air hockey player ever.