
Bring it.

As a parent, good God this is the correct answer.

They absolutely aren’t the same. Anyone who can’t pass the Pepsi Challenge doesn’t have taste buds.

I’ll be DAMNED if I ever let my brother-in-late order for me, especially on a habitual basis.

You endorse Papa John’s, then offer a suggestion? Right, I’m on it.

Used to work at Little C’s in HS for 18 months. Great HS crew, our manager put up with us.

Except the hit to Papa J’s bottom line has nothing to do with the protest or any “boycott”. It’s because they have been outpositoned by competitors.

Their GF pizza is good. Which, besides being rare, means it’s only chain we ever order at this point.

I just wanna watch FOOTBAW, man!

Now who don’t like hush puppies!?!

All chains ARE local businesses. But I get your point, some small chains are STILL local businesses.

You are on another level.

Not that I condone the behavior, but why not just piss on the guy rather than pinch, piss, & splash?

I too love Keanu!

Which of you two will get to eat the cookie?

You know, for $500 you could have a lot more fun with a quality escort than just sticking your dick in Ball’s shoe. Maybe it’s not too late to cancel your order.

Please practice safe sexual practices while gettingbamged by Lonzo and his dad. Seriously, take the Balls out of your mouth.

Oh, is THAT the obvious difference?

Even stick-on mirrors are fine, anyone not shaving in the shower also prefers lower thread count sheets.

You’re in the minority for not just pissing in the shower.