
we violently agree, my Kinja friend..

Maybe we should just make personal armor and padded helmets mandatory, now that you put it that way.. (-;

I love this comment way more than I should. Apropos indeed!

Fair point, fair point. Idiot/texting/young/aggressive/etc drivers are all dangerous as well. Drinking and driving is f’d, for sure.

I feel you, straw hat, I really do. “Eliminate Guns” is a position based on frustration, to be honest. “Eliminate needless gun-related deaths” should be the real mission. I have ongoing debates with many well respected and smart friends who are adamant about their right to own a gun. That said, I have yet to debate

Thanks Mike. I will award a star for either genius subtle but unmarked sarcasm, or sheer lack of intelligence - I admire both traits equally.

Understandable malaise, but we can’t let our prior inadequacies stop forward progress. Yes, it would take time to secure the 250 million guns out there in the US (think about that for a sec) - but this really isn’t rocket science. Make handguns illegal. Focus on regulating hunting guns carefully - hard to get, regular

Totally. And, these debates understandably flare up immediately after a highly publicized shooting - but the reality, in aggregate, guns are used to murder people in the US every day, many of them kids. Tens of thousands of people die each year in the US, needlessly, from guns. This is not about stopping mass murders

To all those “yeah, but mass murder with guns is a small fraction of blah blah blah”, stop. just stop. Guns in the US kill people every fucking day. Guns kill thousands of kids each year. We’re talking about guns. Don’t stop making cars safer and trying to figure out Cancer and.. jesus. Guns. Pointless. We’re arguing

Yup, full stop. Can we just apply Occam’s razor to this bitch already? Get rid of guns. If people start killing each other with chainsaws, or humming birds, or fucking pencils next, I’ll be the first to say ‘get the fuck rid of them too’. Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, fuck me running, and shalamalamadingdong, stop

Actually, I’d find it equally-to-more-so funny if it was Peyton Manning doing this, especially if he did it in the Nationwide jingle:

no issue because sensors.

“once you go black, you never go back”

yup. and, it’s all D-Mac’s fault (hint: he’s the little one):

“Sounds like.. about.. 13.2 psi. Wait.. 13.3. Definitely 13.3 psi. Ok, we’re good.”

Fan: “It’s ok, at least you still have your Pickle, Jimmy!!”

Their voters are were better at showing up.

Dear, Sweet, Black Baby Jesus. GOP Foreign Policy. All I think of is WMDs. Fuckers.

My god, that is one beautiful bird.
