
I'm just a little pissy that I'm still working on the afternoon before Thanksgiving

Maybe SOME Sabres will win this year.

Hoop Screams

The Nut Rockne Story

The Nut Rockne Story

The Schlongest Yard

Chris Spielman is without a doubt a great man. Such grace.

I demand an expose of the electric tie rack.

Not true. In the 70s the cowboys were on CBS every week. They were almost always the national game. I lived in buffalo. Why were the cowboys my team?

Not true. In the 70s the cowboys were on CBS every week. They were almost always the national game. I lived in buffalo. Why were the cowboys my team?

Puigs (three different ones)

He handled that patriots game like he was thinking about that car commercial he'll be taping later.

Just don't divide by da booty.

Perhaps he meant an "irrational" number of...booty.

"The number of booty that was grabbed was unreal,"

Tuesday night needle club

Stupid sexy hubris.

There they are, on the red carpet. Chewing the scenery.

Cornhole is also MY state sport.

I sincerely hope this young Clowney has initiated a real change in the way we look at college athletics. He's no slave. These guys need another Marvin Miller.