
That's ok. I love arcane stuff like that. There's actually a website that details preseason AFL-NFL preseason games from the late 60's.

You know, I might be the only person on earth who would like this, but I think there should be a pre-season hall-of-fame, all time preseason records, highest scores all-time, etc. Who ran for the most yards in a pre-season game, passed, etc. All-time pre-season records....

Wait....walked in on a what? WALKED IN ON A WHAT?!?!?????? I need closure!!!!!!

Just say "sorry i got caught".

That hair color doesn't complement that skin tone.

I forgot he got away with that last year. I hope people stop prattling on about the sanctity of the game.

May I ask, as a passive baseball fan at best, why he would be referred to by others in baseball as a piece of sh__"?

Kids on the beat! Kids on the street! Beat kids! Beat Kids!!!

That bowtie dude appears to be very douche-like business. Also, keep rocking the gang signs.

I would say that the endless promos of CBS's dumb, unfunny, uninteresting lineup being mercilessly touted as #1 (and I have no reason to doubt them) means that the Amurkin people don't have gag reflexes either.

Everybody says "Shit". And "goddamn".

The 5 seed (so to speak) will come from the rear (so to speak).

That's some fine Corinthian leather. Too bad it looks to be riddled with hundreds of perfectly symmetrical bullet holes.

Where's "retarded"?

That's a wicked googly.

He looked extremely gruntled to me. I dunno.

SNL did a much much much much much much much much much funnier skit similar to this featuring a newscast and a broken teleprompter. I usually record them all out of habit, but there's nothing likable about that talent-less turd hosting last night.


All those words, on their own, make perfect sense. But smooshed together, it's all so much prattle. Who won what now? Aggregate googlies?
