Bob Lamey is also RGIII’s new nickname.
Bob Lamey is also RGIII’s new nickname.
Title Nein
Breaking a leg in performance of the job and expecting to be made whole is sue happy?
Holy shit what a baller. It seemed like right after his leg snapped in twain he still prioritized making the Idiot on the Field get caught, and then just called over his security buddies and said “Yeah, broke my leg, kinda sucks.”
In all fairness Stewart didn’t kill Newman so it’s a step up from his normal anger driven actions.
I liked it, Thunder-Lips. I got it.
When I stand for the national anthem I remember those who have fought and fallen for me and those who make it possible for me, as a woman, to play sports, make a living, and allow my voice to be heard. It’s too bad that she won’t stand for the people who have died for her so she has the right to wave a rainbow flag.…
Holy SHIT they got some distance on that one!
IT guy here, we don’t give a shit. Promise. We prefer to not have to archive your emails or monitor you. I would much rather spend my day arguing in the Kinja dont piss off your boss. Thanks!
More like Teddy Legfluid, amirite?
“Hi, this is John Elway. I hear you have a QB opening... boy, do we have a deal for you on a slightly used Mark Sanchez...”
Little B: Never seen an eagle before, knows to GTFO anyways. Nature, you cray cray
Philadelphia fans can attest to the fact that Eagles can take your Spirit away.
Kipnis receded faster than Odor’s hairline
“I’ve done worse”
“I can confirm that we are aware of the situation and currently gathering information in order to determine the next appropriate steps” is also what I told my mom when she caught me smoking weed.
Don’t be sad. Harambe would've wanted it this way. He loved low hanging fruit.
Harambe loved Skyline Chili
Cincinnati Zoo: where the shit flies faster than Skyline Chili blitzkrieging through your colon.