
We feel bad for a man who has had a rough life, witnessed far too many loved ones die, and ultimately succumbed to the throes of addiction and depression.

If I ever do get well enough to foster animals, I am going to take ALL THE OLD ONES just so I can reassure them that they are loved and wonderful and beautiful and all the good good things that they are.

From what you described above, it actually doesn’t sound like he needs to be put down this hot second. He definitely needs to go to a vet, and he probably needs medication for pain, and maybe antibiotics. If he still has an appetite, has his continence, and is walking without falling down, he probably has some life

I feel bad for Khloe, too. From what she’s said publicly, his drug problem was the reason for the demise of their marriage. It must be incredibly hard to divorce a person when you love everything about them, except their addiction. She went through 99% of the divorce process specifically so she wouldn’t have to deal

I’d also say Khloe, as well. She seemed to genuinely love Lamar and eventually left him due to his inability to get his shit together - I can’t even imagine being in her position.

I’m glad he and Khloe are still married.

I’m only partially being snarky here: Lamar’s condition MUST be serious because only one of the Kardashian/Jenner clan has tweeted for the last several hours.

Definitely! These are all great ideas.

I loved the hate-fucking. Teenage me was ALL ABOUT IT. Why was Spike so fucking hot? The world may never know.

Guarantee you his name will be found on the Ashley Madison list.

I hope he’s Ashley Madison’s next victim.

Iggy didn’t win shit. Her being in it at all just shows how much she’s lost. When you fall from feuding with other artists to only randoms on the internet giving you the time of day.

I know, right? She is fighting with a random twitter account that trolled her into responding. The fact they got her to respond means they won.

Beautiful dog

I’m so sorry for your loss. From the pics though she seemed to have a hell of a life. Lots of internet hugs to you.