
Pretty scary stuff. Unions are an option, certainly, and I would never discourage anyone from joining a union.

I’ve just been calling them the White Nationalists.

You did a good job of crow-eating there.

I’ll second this comment. The intellectual honesty of your news room becomes a half measure when you don’t specifically look for a variety of world views. Gawker is a good example: they’ve employed the talents of many different people from many different backgrounds and areas of the country, yet they’ve almost

No your attitude is what got Trump elected. People getting tired of being told “fuck you” just because they don’t agree with you 100%. It’s time for the left to look in the mirror and do a little soul searching. All of the hatred and bigotry I’ve seen today has come from “liberals”. 100% of it.

Hey guys, there’s still a silver lining - Trump hasn’t said he’ll declare a no-fly zone over Syria, which means we might not start a nuclear war with Russia! So at least we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.

I dont know about you gys buy Iam drunk and drawing Drew Magary.

It’s malice because she had notes that predated her research that suggested she wanted to write a story about how college administrators ignored sexual abuse survivors. It’s malice because she reasonably should have not believe Jackie’s claims, but chose not to investigate them because it fit her pre-determined

Ah, the journalist from Columbia’s schooling has finally come to completion. Maybe next time she won’t call people idiots who are inquiring about the potential innocence of accused. Maybe next time she might even let the legal system decide guilt and innocence and not her own spidey sense based on accusations.

Calm down bud. Everything’s going to turn out okay.

At least Robby Soave managed to get the story straight, which is more than Anne managed to do.

Yup. These are my viewer.

That’s cold, they wouldn’t even consider every other wednesday?


Excuse me. Prince Fielder is a well-known vegetarian.

When are we going to admit that there is a serious problem in regards to black-on-black violence?

Thanks, I just had it waxed.

Yeah, kinda like the diagram for the people that support Kaepernck’s right to speak his mind and are glad Clevenger lost his job.

Honestly, I think it’s lame he got suspended for that. BLM is kinda sketchy to me. I get why you guys are angry about what this dude tweeted, but he’s kind of right, no? That hands up, don’t shoot thing in Ferguson never happened for example. He’s kinda calling all that stuff out, albeit in a totally tactless way.

By your logic, since numbers are numbers, this means Asian and Indian Americans are the beneficiaries of racism against whites as they have higher incomes (as well as faster growing incomes).