
so, to get it straight, since you watched the vid as soon as as it hit the net..... (and saw the complete vid).......Harris FIRST attacking the old white man was ok.... you want to burn everything down because the white men who saw him attack the old man..... jumped on him.

Look, I’m not disputing that there are a lot of white people who are salty about the slightest threat to their privilege. But this “it’s OK to be white” bullshit is a deliberate campaign by white supremacist/alt-right groups to try to convince regular white conservatives that the left hates white people. It’s not a

And the last time I checked, stealing (anywhere in the world) is still a crime. Grabbing your dick (in the USA) isn’t.

They could go back home?

I think certain liberal groups are confusing Temporary with You-Can-Leave-Whenever-You-Want-But-Feel-Free-To-Stay-Forever.

They were never going to stay forever, and if we hait for haiti to turn into a 1st world nation to send em back we will be waiting till the heat death of the universe.

1. Franken saying he “doesn’t remember the incident the same way” isn’t a “full-assed apology” - it’s a shitty one like Biden saying “I am so sorry if [Anita Hill] believes that” in response to her saying that she “expected a fair process and did not feel that she had one.”

I can’t disagree with this take strongly enough. As long as Keenum is playing capably and the Vikings are winning, you can’t risk cratering the season by going back to a guy who hasn’t taken a meaningful snap in almost two full years. If Bradford hadn’t gotten hurt and was putting up the exact same numbers and W-L

Sure, it’s cuz white girls can never be murderers and not because Rudy Guede’s fingerprints, bloody palm prints, and DNA were found all over Meredith’s room and body.

I think they know what happened, Rudy Guede murdered her and was convicted for it. The case against Amanda Knox and her boyfriend was just a witch hunt fueled by the press and public.

Really, this issue is about the failure to foster scientific thinking among our students. Had he a proper scientific grounding, Dahmer could have kidnapped four people, drilled holes in three of their heads, and placed boiling water in one person’s head, room-temperature water in another person’s head, and ice water

What are your parents going to buy with the 50 bucks?

Yes, I’m sure that a film producer being concerned that the actor playing Bundy is able to convey his depth is somehow an insult to the relatives of the victims.

for a long time she even refused to accept that he had been killing people behind her back

C’mon, don’t give me this nonsense. Information on affirmative action in public programs is voluminous. Information on DBE programs is voluminous. Information on University admissions is less well known, but there are certainly programs that focus admittance of minority students at just about every major University.

No need for a ‘black national anthem’ unless you’re desirous of a ‘black nation’.

“Would the country try to forcibly keep you”

I’m sure this has been asked before, but I’ll put it out there again.

Yes, it does describe settlers (people simply trying to find a better life) using wagons to protect themselves from murder by racist xenophobes. However, white people have chosen to turn the phrase into one that symbolizes strength, rather than fear, so feel free to use the phrase.

“shut the fuck up and open their ears”

I heartily encourage all white liberals and “progressives” to promptly move to the blackest parts of their cities or countries!

Gee whiz I wonder why The Root deliberately ignores news from South Africa? It’s the perfect example of what happens when blacks try to “govern” anything.