
I stopped reading after this:

Black people arent being oppressed. Assholes are being oppressed, because they act like assholes. Im half black, and never in my life have I come close to being invloved in a negative, or racist altercation with a police officer. You know why? Because I act like a sesible, law abiding human being. Out of the 900 plus

Holy shitsnacks - I haven’t seen anything this pathetic in a glass box since David Blaine.

I don’t understand how supposedly knowledgeable people do not understand the salary cap, how it is the supposed “equalizer” in the NFL.


Hey cunt, this story was not about game tactics, it was about a shitbag thug kicking another player for making a fair play. It was about uncontrolled rage when he didn’t get what he wanted. It was about his superiority complex to another human.

Uh, yeah, I was there. It was one of the more shameful things you’ll see in the game. We won the game, but ultimately lost a lot more than the game. I would love to see him miss at least half the season, if not more. If something like this happens again, I would like to see him banned from the game. I believe in

No idea what the alt-Right is but I guess it’s not the NEOCON faction of CONSERVATIVES to which Ms. Clinton belongs! Hillary is a neocon, plain and simple. She is for the banks. She is for war. She is for govt surveillance. She is the very essence of the neocon movement. Only an idiot cannot see this. Many could see

You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.

I keep reading “Kara’s fine!” with Jennifer Aniston’s voice.

No disrespect, but I think there’s one small line missing in this article: Congratulations to Elina Svitolina on her win.

Someone has to pay their bills

But how do you feel about going full nuclear Armageddon against a guy whose sins were incredibly minor? Like, do you feel regret beyond not getting something that you wanted?

That is my daughter, sir. I would appreciate it if you didn't call her a monster. She is perfect in every way.

“Typical. A little late tackling the O-ring problem.”

I think his argument is that he had consensual sex with a woman and that she “changed her mind” and reported him for assault, and instead of approaching the matter “objectively,” they unfairly chose to believe the female victim and kangaroo-courted him because of said “pro-female, anti-male” bias. I.E., they only

Yeah....he really thought; 1)the reporter was asking about eggs; or 2) didn’t understand that “scramble” was a football term, so he answered about eggs. Yeah, that’s it.


DONALD FAGEN and WALTER BECKER are sitting with DR. ELLIOT PELLMAN, reviewing the doctor’s application for a medical advisory position at Bard College.

PELLMAN: As you can see, my qualifications are impecc—

BECKER: I’m gonna stop you right there.

FAGEN: Whoa... [scanning page] ... Guadalajara

It’s not making much outside of the U.S., not a surprise since American comedies rarely do well overseas, especially in China, which is now the most important market outside of the U.S. So it’s not likely going to make twice it’s budget, which is what they need for it to break even (the studio keeps only about half