Society tells us women are superior; reality tells us the opposite.
Society tells us women are superior; reality tells us the opposite.
your mentality is why our entire age sucks. you make life worse for literally everybody around you
yeah..or the author is simply a liar like the rolling stone broad and the broad she interviewed at UVa
it’s almost like blacks aren’t capable of self-government. like they’re a different species or something. as charles darwin said. you know, since you love science
it was more boring than anything.
Didn’t really do anything serious? Yeah, ok, clownbo. And you wonder why all whites hold blacks in contempt.
Bad move by Trump. Just another example of nigger privilege. No matter what a nigger does, it never faces consequences. For the observant, still more (redundant) proof that nigger + money = nigger. Stealing isn’t a crime in black culture. It’s not even a thing. It’s a racist concept dreamed up by whites to keep the…
Of course you support gun control: it’s good for niggers. If only black criminals (redundant) have guns, they can get away with crimes like this, thwarted because one white man with a gun > bunch of nigger boy criminals.
Dexter Manley
No one cares what you think whites should be allowed to say. Blacks are a collective negative. There is only one word that reflects that reality. You can’t handle the truth, so you want to suppress the term.
How’s your theory working in Detroit? in any other black-majority city? In Africa?
Yeah, and it’s quite unfair to lump white men in with jews and niggers. Nearly all these degenerates are JEWS. and jews arent white. the handful of whites are pedoqueers. niggers - well, we know your baseline sexual behavior.
someone stopping you from acting, sugartits? of course not. you just prefer to whine. the first step is to acknowledge you get off on victimhood and passivity.
i come here for nigger whining, not this whiteskin leftist horseshit. know your audience, coonston
hilarious: since niggers cant think, i’ll interpret for you
Trump is wrong to intervene. Let the niggers suffer the consequences of their own behavior. For once.
nigger + money = nigger
Louis C.K. is a jew, not a White. Same with nearly all these molesters. Goes unmentioned in the press. I don’t wonder why.
hollywood = jews jewing jewily
all leftists are scumbags. lying scumbags. lying, fake, poser scumbags. the male feminists are nearly as bad as the allegedly female feminists, and that’s nearly impossible. if i went out and picked up a bunch of nightcrawlers in the gutter after 2 days of spring rain, the ensuing nasty mass would have the fiber of…