
Support separate countries for coloreds and whites. We don’t want to live in the same country with you, we’re capable of better. We also don’t like paying for you, no small thing.

Good to see the White community stand up for itself.

i know you’re all stupid negros, but bernie isn’t white. it’s offensive to whites to call him that. he’s a fucking kike. kikes only pretend to be white when they’re making the same bullshit charges against us you niggers do

hey monkey here’s a column idea. as a racist (aka normal white), i could use your black help: how do i become more offensive to you discoloreds? tia

most of these whites are indeed disgusting pieces of shit, and normal whites (to you, racists) do indeed curl their lip at them.

you’re a jackass. niggers hate your type for good reason. whites are guilty of only one thing: being a different, massively superior species to blacks.

you’re supposed to kill yourself because you’re white, hence a standing example of innate superiority to these whining simians

by not caring about the feelings or opinions of retarded, violent, worthless niggers

whites who admire blacks are indeed the worst whites. blacks are a different species, and not an interesting or attractive one. and that is how most whites feel.

i’ve listened to many Spencer podcasts. no one honest would call him dumb.

PhD student at Duke = dumb as box of rocks

give me a break, niggers. even by nigger standards, which, rest assured are P-2 level, this fred was a nasty, dirty criminal. not one person on earth isn’t better off because this criminal coon is underground

the Nazis are already on Gab.ai, which is where the fag Dorsey copied the idea of moar characters

that’s just good niggering.

it’s not that we hate you. it’s just that your racial gifts don’t extend to things like ‘thinking’ and ‘self-control.’ probably better to let humans make the political choices before all America becomes Detroit

the relatives of the 100,000,000 the communists murdered last century might care

“King” (not his actual name) was in undeniable fact: a plagiarist, an adulterer, a woman-beater, a communist, a tool of the jews - an all-around scumbag. but really you could just sum it up by saying that he was a typical nigger. a nigger used by jews quite effectively to attack white America.

he’s black. that’s all the care about. they’d rather eat grubs and live in mud huts than admit whites alone are capable of civilization

the media = jews, and jews support mass murder / dispossession of whites. which is what blacks did in Zimbabwe, leading to their starvation, massive inflation. blacks aren’t capable of self rule. that we can’t say that in the (((free press))) doesn’t make the fact go away

“Romans” lol. These are monkeys. They are literally too stupid to grow food.