
and you’re called niggers/nigger-lovers for a reason

interesting article. it’s funny, two things: 1) no other group likes niggers. 2) niggers were only a social positive under slavery. freed, all they do is produce destroits

we niggers should be allowed to loot/burn/attack whatever we want, without police interference. that’s what civil rights means

crime is a concept invented by white racists to keep blacks from getting ahead

haven’t you noticed? whenver a nigger does something, the leftist must shunt the blame to the closest white man or association

What color is the nigger suspect?

is this harriot nigger really so stupid he doesn’t know jews ran the slave trade?

which white racist committed this horrible crime??

there’s more valuable diversity in the average white family than the entire black race. y’all along for the ride. for now.

if PR is capable of self-government, where’s the evidence?

because they’re not able to beat male 14-year-olds and there are only 2-3 decent women’s teams.

i dont get this bizarre idea that basketball and soccer players are fungible. it’s like saying blacks and whites are fungible.

the one thing the black community will never do: stop being criminals, stop making excuses for them. white people aren’t responsible for your problems. white people, rather, are the reason most of you are alive and not living in mud huts

pathetic retard. you’re too dumb to realize these niggers are lying to you. nigger harris stalked whites, initiated a violent, cowardly attack. then the whites responded and kicked his ass. it’s all on tape. these shitmedia are deliberately stoking anti-white hatred among the 85-IQ simian population. and you’re

nigger started the fight. and got his nigger ass kicked. and your nigger reporter knows this. it’s all on video. the media bias is 100% pro-nigger criminal and anti normal white.

Egregious Semites Promoting Niggers

you’ll see men called males 100x more often than reverse. but that wasn’t disrespectful enough, so they moved to ‘guys.’ that is now the most common term for men: guys. you may be black, but you think like a typical puss white leftist

you get called a nigger and treated like a nigger because you act like a nigger.

no one likes niggers.

jew preying on white girls.