separate the jews from the whites to find out what’s actually going on. huge discrimination against whites. huge discrimination in favor of jews.
separate the jews from the whites to find out what’s actually going on. huge discrimination against whites. huge discrimination in favor of jews.
that’s some high-quality nigger reasoning. i see why you people never moved past the mud-hut stage
he didnt snap, retard, he planned the thing out, far more carefully than any nigger could. he scouted locations. niggers do nothing but snap.
other difference is damond wasn’t a criminal. unlike 99% of niggers you liars whine about
nothing a nigger hates worse than being held responsible for his behavior. and yes, you’re 99.9% all like that
“Black people want to be treated like everyone else.”
So who won the game?
You got no balls, nigger.
You run any articles about that nigger alien that shot up the white church in Tennessee? Sessions et al. would keep those coons out of our country. You’d let more of them in. Yeah, it’s sober, careful white men who are ruining this country, not depraved nigger criminals and the media who cover for them.
It’s merely your characterization that blacks are standing up for justice. Most whites see it as blacks whining about their criminals not getting even more special treatment than they already do. Which is one hell of a lot.
yeah, this is exactly where you niggers/leftists say “you have free speech but not freedom from consequences.”
there’s only one legit POV. everybody knows that
Have you apologized, you personally, for lying about “hands up don’t shoot”?
So we have an alien nigger shooting up a white church and release of latest Uniform Crime Report showing blacks commit most violent crime - but the big story is nigger criminals aren’t being treated with enough respect.
Dom’s one of the few with an inkling that the public’s on the side of Trump not the niggers / criminals.
the way to understand media is they’re owned and operated by jews. blaming corporations is just a jew, chomsky, misdirecting the left. jews hate whites, so they promote ‘diversity’ and cover up/excuse black crime, agitate for open borders. and when the white majority actually elects a candidate, they go insane with…
no group is treated with greater solicitude in america than nigger criminals. the media do nothing but cover for them
i dunno, i just took a look at the just-released 2016 Uniform Crime Report. looks like blacks are mistreating America a lot more than vice versa
better article: top 20 things nigger thinks white people THINK about blacks
your part is accepting these coloreds/jews hate you for your race. not for your beliefs. not for your behavior. white existence is what bothers them - because it is standing proof of their own inferiority.