Fury Road, though. Some dreams do come true.
I tried watching a few post-Reed eps, but they never took. They really lack his way with words; you go back to the early seasons and holy hell, the whole thing just hums along. Absolute screwball, firecracker dialogue.
You know how there’s anti-comedy, and anti-art? Is this the pop culture journalism equivalent? Anti-critique?
dude are you not aware they’re fucking with you? who’s going to read down into this thread and think “yep, that automater person really showed who’s boss”?
Oh wild, sorry! That’s weird. I guess it has been fixed, then, because it’s only the weird cinematography that I’m seeing. It is a weird and annoying choice.
I know I’m a month late here, but YES. I’ve been sick this week so I was binging the second season, and I actually made someone else in my house come look at the tv to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. There’s a weird, blurred, fish-eye lens quality to so many of the tight conversation shots! It’s very distracting.
Prepare for this argument to go on for actual days.
Absolutely no doubt he would be more famous if he were white. I remember the first time I became aware of Bass was in the Watchmen series and thought, why have I never heard of this guy? He's awesome. Fuck the American education system, and honestly, fuck me for not putting in more effort to learn more about black…
Yeah, I agree that’s what the directors are probably thinking. I just think it’s notable that other than Taika Waititi and Scott Derrickson, most of them haven’t been hired for endless smaller films. For the most part, they seem to go to TV* (which is fine if that’s what they want to do!); have a project or two “in…
And speaking of the Downton similarities they seem to be setting up a retelling of the Cora/Earl Crawley story with Gladys and the Duke. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out in an upcoming episode that he is very much broke and Bertha would be all too happy to assist in order to make her daughter a Duchess. Honestly it…
There used to be a telenovela show that also taught the viewer Spanish, and Gilded Age feels like a version of that where they’re tricking us into learning history by teasing drama plot lines that never reach their potential.
I still say if you can’t rent the Soviet army, then don’t bother doing an Napoleon pic.
Cutaway where even the Klan finds Meg physically repulsive and makes her double-cloak.
Their “Steel Wheels” tour was nicknamed the “Steel Wheelchair” tour.
So, how was the stench?
No, but I can direct you to some very informative guides on how to date Natalie Dormer.