
I feel like there may be a conflation of the ideas, analysis can be objective (though I take your point of the idea of a explicit or implicit idea of a common standard) while the opinion derived from the analysis is subjective. Subjectivity will forever bleed into any form of art analysis, but a good review isn’t one

One thinks one is a bad mother fucker until one is face-to-face with a two-meter Sam Jackson.

I feel like this needs to be a note attached to every single one of these workplace harassment stories:

In their defense, it did have a girl in it!

Imagine the rich and complex inner lives of the kind of people who are still raging about a solid B+ superhero movie 4 months later.

I see where you’re coming from: that pocketwatch example is famously ill-conceived, and I recall old SF short stories that were particularly smug about their neat causal loops. I recognize the discomfort of feeling that stepping outside the pressure between time and the unknown is somehow wrong - it’s the point where

That one also dealt with Bambi’s son becoming an arson investigator.  

We went to see Booksmart and it was FANTASTIC, what a note-perfect movie with an amazing cast. Olivia Wilde really knocked it out of the park. On the drive home we were laughing and talking about various scenes and my teen son said “We need to own this movie,” and he is 100% correct. I can’t wait to see it again.

I was really only half-kidding too. Long talks about Trek themes like religion, politics, and philosophy. Sci-Fi My Dinner with Andre.

Um, this is America and I want things now.

There is no worthwhile narrative reason for this movie series to continue to be spun out, especially with the miss to hit ratio. But as long as it continues to be the only people-firing-rocket launchers-at-skull-faced-robots game in town, I’ll keep checking ‘em out.

I like to imagine you were so stoned at the movie theater that you forgot which movie you were there to see, and accidentally wandered into a screening of Christopher Robin.

Yes, I know you already explained how it happened, but I’m still sticking to my version of events.

You don’t have to read his mind—you just have to bribe the guards stationed outside the meat locker under the Anaheim Matterhorn and they’ll let you have a chat with the man himself.

(almost) everyone replying to this thread:

“An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path, right? He wasn’t certain of which direction to go, and he’d forgotten both where he was traveling to and who he was. He’d sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see a blue Will Smith before him. He grinned and with a cackle, spoke: ‘Now

That’s really cool! I just feel sad for how many performers had to die to convincingly portray the unraveling scene each night.

Now playing

Instead of this movie, does anyone wanna see this new Lindsay Ellis video about Disney screwing over Robin Williams and leading the floodgates open to movies who rely on a-list celebrity voice talent alone?

I wonder how many under performing live action remakes it would take to make Disney reconsider. Oh, who am I kidding?

If Nolan is doing a palindrome-themed spy thriller, I’ve got the perfect trailer tagline:

“What does the S stand for?”