
The couplet operates on the assumption that death is the will of god. It’s a way for religious people to remind each other that their existence is dictated by their chosen god and they must live (and eventually die) in service of that god.

They are less than 4 years apart, both born in the 70's. Yes, they are very much middle-aged women. We are not all crones, you know.

As you can see, the American flag that he rips up and spits on has gold fringe, thus indicating that only Maritime Fight Club law has jurisdiction.

but is “it shouldn’t have been there” implicit when the article in question explicitly states that that’s not the thrust of the argument?

Possibly because Tony has the entire suit to, not only, distribute the energy but, more importantly, keep it from directly contacting his skin (unlike Hulk)?

I’d watch that.

Your ending sounds exciting AF, I would watch that. 

Because it wasn’t about any of that. It was a nice symbolic moment representing women sticking together in the face of evil and oppression right after another moment of a woman kicking all sorts of ass. Just because one woman does something great doesn’t mean other women can’t show their support for her and stand

The part about Tony being able to handle it...vs. the Hulk having his arm fried...I can’t explain.

Trying referring to them as "influenzas" instead.

I think there a few clues to it, one is Cap having his beard in the post credit scene, and he is shaving prior to Tony’s return. Captain Marvel also gives them a little nod, they don’t seem shocked to see her.

They probably think all flaming skulls look alike.

What are you saying?  He’s standing right next to me!

No, there was also the Thor: Ragnarok scene with Dr. Strange.

Are these dishwasher-safe?

“Why do we have so many skulls as cups now?"

Honestly, I think that was fairly predictable as soon as we saw him in “Ronin” mode in the trailer. There wasn’t much chance he’d go full vigilante unless the entire family had gotten dusted. So while it was still wrenching to watch, I expected it - he really had to lose everything.

In the original edit, Hawkeye disappeared instead of his family, and nobody noticed.

And on this day, the new super-villain, The Bencher was Born!!! They have a bench for a head and aren't afraid to use it to get what they want - a seat at the table.