“Filming ‘Breitbart: The Movie’ was a challenge. It started with the script, which was poorly spelled, in all caps, and featured the word ‘cuck’ much more often than felt organic.”
“Filming ‘Breitbart: The Movie’ was a challenge. It started with the script, which was poorly spelled, in all caps, and featured the word ‘cuck’ much more often than felt organic.”
I’ll stan for the process. Woody Allen was accused of a terrible thing. Unlike the others in the current MeToo movement, he was actually put under investigation. It was a high profile case, there were well-regarded detectives, Ivy-League psychiatrists, round-the-clock press coverage, a full investigation that lasted a…
I have no idea of the proper woke context to put this article in until Recognitions explains how we’re all wrong in every way.
Recognitions: The Movie
Sir, we have repeatedly asked you to stop quoting Korn songs here. Please take this to a more approriate place, like the review of the movie about the evil little demon boy.
Gee, I don’t know. I’ll watch pretty much anything with Brian Bosworth in it.
A League Of Their Own was good. Remember when he said There’s No Crying In Baseball? Fun fact: I say that a lot. Almost as much as Why Am I Drippings With Goo.
They might not have gotten up to go to the bathroom, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t go to the bathroom.
For people born during Jim Crow, including my father, Black babies born at home didn’t get a birth certificate. Knowing that is what allowed cops to round up Black boys on bogus loitering charges, have them appear before judges who would offer jail or Viet Nam. That’s how my 16 year old dad ended up serving despite…
Have they questioned Liam Neeson?
“Read the full report here, and watch a video chronicling some of its key findings of the piece below.”
I dunno...I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that a 65 year old man from an exurb of Belfast had, at some indeterminate point in the past, problematic views on race!
Valar Morguinness
When I leave an endowment for a Hall of Fame in my will, all the inductees will be represented by their own, custom made, Funko Pops.
“Excuse me, I believe that it is spelled ‘a hargument’”
Personally I find it funny, but as someone who gets irrationally angry over lots of other things I respect your right to be. I always chuckle when I see an athlete in a marketing campaign and he’s wearing some weird non-branded uniform because his sponsor couldn’t afford the team rights.
No, it’s a settled argument. All languages are malleable.
They work pretty well as a source for a quote from an entertainer’s lawyer, though.