$6000 a month?! These patreon animators are making money hand over fist.
$6000 a month?! These patreon animators are making money hand over fist.
Exactly! Us Conservatives aren’t hate mongers! We simply support hate mongers!
Yet another franchise that inexplicably feels the need to tweak its title for a cinema audience. Why can’t they just call Calvin Shaw by his first name and show us Dwayne Johnson in the goddamn tiger suit already?
I thought it was the shape of their heads!
Hey New Director, that was an amazing movie. It worked on every level. People will talking about this for years!
If he’s attached, I’m Schur to give it a try.
Yes, I think that was everyone's favorite idiot grandson.
Oh yeah, back in the old days when a movie release was staggered, moving from city to city to town only after it had “played out,” there were some parts of the country where it wasn’t even released until 1941. It took that long for the film to “play out” and finally release the second run, or regional theaters.
Chin chininey, chin chininey, chin chin cher-ee
And they can drop on your head if you bang on them half an hour earlier.
What rubes! They clearly should have known that burning the afflicted’s organs only aerosolizes the vampiric particles, resulting in aggressive vampiric mists (like in Stephen King’s excellent work of journalistic reporting, “The Mist”). Sprinkling a twenty foot circle with a blend of rice and salt is clearly the only…
Hey, I also base my worldview on an edgy adoption of the opposite of whatever most people think is sensible! And I’m a perfectly happy and well-balanced Flat Earther who has never had a vaccination or tidied his room, because it’ll just get dirty again, Mom.
One of my favourite Dark World moments is simply Loki saying, “Ta-dah!”
So, as someone who clearly enjoys seeing aspects of other cultures that the show has used to make you laugh, you got upset at seeing your culture held up for the same treatment? And you don’t grasp the hypocrisy of that?
Taco Bell will pay for it!