
“I don’t care about this story. Everyone stop talking about it.”

bono, more like boner, because he really wanged on this take.

Tenn, Code Annotated 39-13-505 is the sexual battery statute. “Sexual battery is unlawful sexual contact with a victim by the defendant or the defendant by a victim...” Tenn. Code Ann. 39-13-501 is the definitions for that section - ““Sexual contact” includes the intentional touching of the victim’s, the defendant’s,

And I think by that time, Elizabeth knew that favorite Charles, showing him affection and risking him being seen as a “mama’s boy” by his father would do him no good at all. I think she was a bit more sensitive to Philip’s ego than she was to Charles’s need for comfort and connection. That scene where Philip yells “my


At Kroger’s the other day, a bagger gave my kids some stickers for waiting patiently in line. The stickers were Thanksgiving stickers and obviously very late. My 8-year-old asked the poor bagger, “Does this mean on Valentine’s Day you’ll give us Christmas stickers?”

Apple better fucking fix this or I am going to keep buying their products anyway.

I for one, applaud this sites courage in removing anonymity. It will bring us all closer together.

—hey guys, i don’t think this is really the Pope

You don’t get to say “zug zug,” that’s our word.


I usually file my friend-of-the-kinja briefs with O’Neal.

And a convincing Omar from the HBO program, The Wire.

That’s cold.

*crosses arms* Dumbass.

The odds of Anthony Daniels cleaning up Hollywood were approximately 3720 to 1.

To be fair, it doesn’t mean she didn’t know. I’m not saying she did, but disproving the motivations of a fraction of people who said she did isn’t a “gotcha” you’re looking for here.

“KeyserRoll your steaming pile of crow is ready at the Take-out Counter”

I wish I lived in their world where people who weren’t bigoted asshats had so much power.

For all my (minor, whiney) complaints about the movie, the arcs of the major characters wasn’t one of them. I actually liked Luke going into exile to become a bitter old man who had “given up” on the force and Jedi-hood or whatever.