It takes a lot of courage not to tell people that the updates slow down the phone and having the battery be hard to replace. Not many companies have that kind of courage.
It takes a lot of courage not to tell people that the updates slow down the phone and having the battery be hard to replace. Not many companies have that kind of courage.
It strongly resembles Mirror Universe logic!
OBAMA KNEW !!!! - O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O, Monseko Frabingo, Burkina Faso, 21/5/2013 21:05
Of course they’re related.
As the Firesign Theater once put it, “All power to nobody! No power to anyone!”
There is literally no such thing as a happy ending because the only real ending is death, and death is ugly, sad, or at best a bittersweet relief.
Yeah but this one tiny nitpicky thing ruined RUINED RUINED! the movie for me and therefore everyone else!!!
Shitty movies should definitely end with a wipe, “Star Wars” or otherwise.
Reporting on any of these fucking “petitions” is super lame and just a reach for content
You should start a petition to force The A.V. Club to stop reporting on these petitions.
“ the time I caught the transport over to Tosche. I needed a new power converter for my landspeeder, so, I decided to go to Anchorhead, which is what they called Tosche in those days. So I tied a black melon to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the transport cost a credit, and in those…
No. They only eat people.
Well that’s swell, O’Neal, and a Merry Christmas to you too. But for the love of Jiminy, could ya do something about the masses of trolls with burner accounts on Kinja? Like institute a block feature, or heck, even pay attention to the flags? Somebody had to be paying attention to them back in the Disqus days, as the…
You would think so but:
Jr. looks like he’s wearing a fucking mouth guard. What is it with the Trumps and dentures? Use your billions and gold-plate a couple of toothbrushes to put in your bathrooms, you fucking trash-people.
Yes. Everyone agrees. Because we’re all the same as you, and super quick to judge things as GREAT or TERRIBLE. Good job.
Spoilers ahead! There’s been a lot of speculation about Jon or Danaeris being the Prince/ss Who Was Promised, which is why it will blow so many minds when the Iron Throne is claimed by Colonel Mustard. As the famous line goes, when you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or maybe Martin Mull as Colonel Mustard wins…
People are comparing Snoke’s lack of a backstory to Palpatine’s lack of a backstory. But they’re not the same. Palpatine was set up as an established part of that universe. He’s like Sauron, the big evil force that has been terrorizing the world.
Not everyone who disagrees with you about a movie is a “weird fanboy,” and if Rey’s parentage wasn’t supposed to matter they certainly had every opportunity to just clear it up in the last movie instead of hyping it up as this big mystery to be solved.
We should. THE ROAD BELONGS TO CARS IDIOT PEDESTRIANS! *Swerves wildly off of road to try and graze pedestrian on sidewalk*