
I know certain people are bashing you mercilessly Xanderpuss, but I get where you’re comments were coming from. As an abuse survivor myself, I still want proof, or official accusations before I go after someone - or assume they’re guilty because they “seem” sketchy. Like you said, now that people have come forward, I

I can’t imagine an applicable criminal statute that he would still face exposure to at this time, and based upon these allegations. I am not going to cite the various statutes of limitation that may be applicable in the various jurisdictions, but I would be more than confident in asserting that all would have run a

Very few of us have the luxury of knowing the people actually making the accusations. So yeah, those of us that don’t know them have to wait for actual journalism to take place (or at least someone to come forward).

I live in Los Angeles— which should be where all of the comedians come to make it big— and from what I understand there is an extreme shortage going on. The open mic stages are bare, the UCB classes are offering to teach computer repair just to bring in students, the Laugh Factories and Comedy Stores have been

Supporting the women CK harassed is the most important thing here. I hope he confesses and tries to atone, but even if he does, I can’t think of what he could do to make up for the hurt he caused these innocent people.

Wow, just because you dig Katie, doesn’t mean you ought to rip off her style.

“[T]he Star Wars producers decided to cleverly conceal the freighter under some plastic tarps inside a circle of storage containers...”

Yea. Exactly. As long as he is wearing his trademark black leather jacket, high top sneakers and sunglasses with his shaggy black hair, we will all know it is J Paul Getty.

It’s theology—ultimately, any of this comes down to what they say it is.

Manimal? Is that you?

You know, it’s hilarious that your name is what it is and that basically your every comment is insulting someone’s intellect and/or character or whatever else.

Not because of the AV Club solely, but because they along with the Washington Post as well as film critic circles and other news outlets and journalists all together sent a boycotting message.

Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot.

Wouldn’t he just end up having Robin Wright’s character killed off and replacing her with Leah Remini?

Which, given their effectiveness, is why I have such a low opinion of humanity.

“The Jihad Couple”

Boeing Meets World (Trade Center)

Bin Laden For A Penny, Bin Laden For A Compound

I love this coinage. Great job, Jesse!

I enjoy a good usurping.