He’s “a thing” because he’s a tremendously talented actor, who’s not only been the best part of bad movies, but held his own with the likes of JK Simmons, Kyle Chandler and Brie Larson.
He’s “a thing” because he’s a tremendously talented actor, who’s not only been the best part of bad movies, but held his own with the likes of JK Simmons, Kyle Chandler and Brie Larson.
You’re a leaf on the >gurk<
It took Jackie Chan for me to break down and read a second article in endless-scrolling Kinja.
Northrop Grumman actually WAS my childhood favorite defense contractor because the Grumman F-14 Tomcat was my favorite fighter jet.
Bitter nerd takes ball, goes home*. Film at 11
Hey, don’t blame me. I had nothing to do with that disaster.
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make exactly...?
So how is the NRA going to spin this one?
That’s what made it so scary. Here’s this blood red horseless carriage, roaming the streets of Paris and slaying those who get in its way.
Well thats kind of the history of modern art in a nutshell. When Duchamp nailed a toilet to the wall of a New York gallery, he was clearly mocking the pretensions of his peers, as if to say “Art is something you piss on”. And then it became a classic art piece that inspired a generation of conceptual artists, I…
Fine, then: but her emails.
No, it’s good that he’s a good guy in the show. That’s what makes it so tragic. And I love my romances with tragedy. If you work to make a character “bad” in a romantic context it makes it too easy. You take away the conflict.
Now I want to watch that show. All of them living in a single apartment complex. I think it should be callled...
If you think the premise of this movie sounds hackneyed and miserable, just wait until they reveal the title: Pak ‘n’ Heat.
Eh... if you carry Nazi paraphernalia, shout Nazi slogans, espouse Nazi philosophy and call yourselves Nazis, I think it’s safe for someone to refer to you as a Nazi.
I hate when I start hoping my heroes die before they say some stupid shit that is gonna fuck their legacy. YOU HEAR ME, ANGELA LANSBURY YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT
I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:
You may think that’s Jake Gyllenhaal making another worryingly hard swing in weight for a prestige role, but that’s actually just Tatiana Maslany playing both characters. Easy mistake to make.
From the gray-zone perspective, the most recent Terminator movie was better than the previous two. I remain, as always, cautiously optimistic.