
Just got back from seeing the movie. It would be misleading to say that they explain Mae’s clothing (and other things), exactly. I’m trying to avoid spoilers here, which is difficult. I can say that it isn’t just a dumb “she has better clothes and hygiene because she’s one of the stars of the movie” kind of thing;

Help, Help, I’m Being Repressed By The Planet of the Apes

Nothing is that big, except maybe the ice sheet atop Greenland.

On the topic of chicken breeds, I learned the other day that “leghorn” is a breed of chicken, not just a nonsense word that sounds good alongside “foghorn.”

While the subject matter is serious, there are some pretty funny things going on in this trailer. The clip starts with a giant shot of an American flag, as if to alert audiences that, ‘Hey! Benedict Cumberbatch is American in this one!’

Now I’m thinking about her character from Bad Trip and wondering if that was, in fact, a documentary.

“working with a therapist to learn how to set better boundaries.”

Man, it’s too bad Kevin Spacey died right after he finished filming L.A. Confidential and recording his lines for A Bug’s Life. It would have been awful if he’d been in a string of mediocre bombs and been accused of sexual assault.


Journalism is a critical tool for holding power to account. Politicians, even the “good” ones who you voted for and like, need to be watched like hawks. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Having the journalistic establishment palling around with politicians is a great way to ensure that the journalists don’t serve

And then a giant team-up crossover movie in the RCU (Red Cinematic Universe): Redgame

No! Everything must be easily digestible and exactly like something I’ve seen before!!

I saw some mention of it recently that reminded me that I had learned about it at some point a year or two ago. I sighed audibly.

Oh, I thought she was serviceable, especially given her age. Remarkably good child actors are extremely hard to find (the last time I remember sitting up and taking notice of a kid in a film because their performance actually seemed as good as an adult’s was Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds).

Absolutely not!

Journalists sitting in the same room as politicians and pretending to be nice is something that we all should find horrifying.

Just got back from seeing Abigail a little bit ago. I feel like someone said, “M3gan was a huge hit! What other movies do we got in the pipeline that feature an antagonist who looks like a young girl but is actually a killer monster of some kind?”

Look Who’s Talking In Tongues

Tangential, but I saw Godzilla x Kong last weekend, and there was one moment where the shot cuts to a front-quarter view of some car (I don’t even remember what make) that was so obviously a product placement shot that I actually burst out laughing. If you’ve seen it, it’s the end of the scene where Irene is talking