
“Being trapped in a hole with Cara Delevingne” would be a good white card.

But what about historical throat stabbings?

We watched it a few months ago; I’d never seen it (although I was familiar with the plot). I get why it was a hit, but man, does almost nothing happen in that movie. Guy moves to town. Can’t dance! Dance anyway. The end!


Hey! That’s my job!

*Roberts Downey Jr.

Wow, this sounds... bizarre, to say the least. Like, a bunch of people had to look at this and go, “Yes, let’s spend millions of dollars on this.”

You assume correct; Disney’s market cap is currently just over $200 billion.

You mean the actors? Pascal was born in Chile but he’s lived in the US since he was a small child, so he has a fairly typical American accent.

Of the Bavarian Gambolputty de von

The call of shawarma was too strong.

Take your goddamn star you monster.

What about the Utah River in Jordan?

“I love that you know what a meme is.”

I accidentally saw a minute of this on a TV at a restaurant I was at, despite my best efforts. Does that count?

I get caring about a large fictional universe and its interconnections, but it only works if the nodes in that web (pun intended) are actually any good on their own. Once it starts being a big self-referential franchise clusterfuck, who gives a shit? Let’s spend our time on other things.

Complaining about editing on the A.V. Club? What is this, 2016?

Is there a bird spider in here?!

Are you saying it’s Morbin’ time again?