
I mean, none of us know how much marketing they’ve done for this movie. I honestly cannot believe I’m having to explain this again, but “I haven’t noticed much” is not evidence that there isn’t actually much.

“even if Captain America was obviously right in both of them”

We’re slowly catching up on it too. You’re not the only one!

Nah, we need the ability to publish art about shitty people while they’re still alive and we can potentially affect public opinion of them. Also, just because because this movie will “miss those” doesn’t mean no other movies can be made about him in the future.

People will sometimes cite Tesla’s advancement of EVs or SpaceX’s drastic reduction in cost-per-kg-to-orbit, but it’s unclear at best to what degree Musk himself is actually responsible for or even contributed toward those things. He’s very loud and good at taking credit for things, but there’s no way he did all of

“barely promoting it at all”

*Captains Marvel

Oh no! Will Disney’s shareholders be okay??!

I personally doubt these stories gain much traction with the public in general. Our pop-culture-obsessed bubble does not reflect general opinion, and the general public will just see it as typical corporate BS that they can’t really do anything about, if they even hear of it. Few if any of the general public are going

I like how everyone interpreted your comment as a criticism on Masters of the Air, and completely missed that you were actually criticizing Schimkowitz’s statement.

I thought a “perverse incentive” was one that ended up encouraging the behavior it was supposed to suppress (or vice versa). Paying farmers not to grow certain crops, in order to avoid fucking up pricing, does seem weird, but is it technically a perverse incentive?

Mm... maybe Texas.

And it’ll still be more satisfying than The Rise of Skywalker.

I’m not a huge fan of Jezebel personally, but I still hope they can reform (like Voltron!) into an independent site of some kind, the way the Kotaku and Escapist exodees launched Aftermath and Second Wind this last week. Mainly just to spite Spanfeller, who is a pile of shit.

The real news will be over the next year or two as the following becomes clear:

Neat! Where is it?

Christine Baranski should be awarded an Emmy every year whether she acts in something or not. “And this year’s Christine Baranski Emmy goes to... Christine Baranski!”

Monica Rambeau, I assume.

He might be an idiot even if it’s for the first reason.

Some melon farmers always tryin’ to ice skate uphill.