

*nervous laughter*

I’m a strict materialist, but I believe that when Nic Cage chooses to leave this mortal coil, it will not be because he died, but because he chose to travel to another dimension.

No joke, I would absolutely love to see a Feynman movie with Jack Quaid playing the part. Especially if they do some bananas shit like have him fight aliens from another dimension, with the power of physics. Or maybe he just talks at them and convinces them to be peaceful, because Feynman was insanely charismatic.

I generally agree. Even though Thanos was in the cards from pretty early on, and they had Infinity Stones showing up even earlier than Thanos, there was very little in the first 5-6 years of the MCU that directly pointed at him. It was all just standalone (or tangentially-connected) stories that were focused on being

They did put Star Wars on a break, but that was after they ran it into the ground. Marvel should have taken a break after Endgame, going out on a high note. Of course, there’s no way Disney would let that happen, because plutocrats gonna plutocrat.

Not to mention that there’s plenty of room for “I don’t understand what’s happening... but I was still entertained.” Hell, my mom said just about exactly that about Loki S2!

Suckle at the teat of capitalism, you peasants!


My soul left my body for a second when I read your comment. We live in the worst possible timeline if that movie doesn’t happen.

I’m sure there is; it’s all just symptoms of “assholes with a disproportionately huge amount of power continually abuse that power.”

My main problem with Fall is that it spent a lot of its time on a bunch of characters I didn’t really know or care about (the whole “quest” narrative), operating in an environment whose rules seemed to constantly be changing. The whole notion of a civilization migrating into a simulation is right up my alley (Greg

It was interesting worldbuilding that called out for an actual, you know, story.

One only wonders that if one has never before spent even a few minutes thinking about the topic. People tolerate all sorts of abuse in order to work in showbiz, or even near showbiz. People tolerate abuse for all sorts of other reasons. It doesn’t mean it’s not abuse.

How about Nier: Buttomata?

He’s an inspiration for my band, The Got-Away-With-Its-And-You’ll-Never-Get-A-Conviction-Pigs-Oink-Oink

Bridgertron fights for the shippers.

“Control my life outside work”

Probably the best approach would have been for SAG to issue the request in a cheeky, lighthearted way, as a gentle reminder. SAG members obviously are not allowed to promote struck work, and they’re unarguably correct that dressing up as struck characters in public constitutes promoting struck work, but there are so

What, not Norbit?