
Big McLargeHuge!

I think it’s an entirely real beard that just looks fake for some reason. Like, it’s just the way his hair grows, extremely dense and yet with a very sharp edge.

This! I remember seeing Lawrence of Arabia on TV one weekend and in addition to all the commercials, it had the intermission too.

Listen, you can’t just apologize for a misunderstanding, this is the internet

I was thinking more like he bursts through the wall, dressed like a giant robot, and curses constantly as he tries to swap the takes.

Man, if you insist that a band’s background be authentic to its music, I have some bad news for you about the Rolling Stones and the Beatles.

I prefer the grittier version, Knife Fights at Freddy’s.

We’re watching this streaming on MAX; has anyone else noticed that this show (both seasons) seems to have a pretty low video quality? We watch lots of other stuff on MAX (e.g. Succession, Doom Patrol) and they look great. I feel like whoever’s doing the encoding/uploading for this show’s video files is using too low a

The Gilded Age has gone full Oppenheimer

But he was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Maybe it’s Zimbabwean dollars.

Hey, hypocrisy is fine when I do it.

And its proximate cause, humanity: Also a mistake.

Tarantino should probably get therapy, but I don’t know if he’d want to foot the bill.

Just wait until he drops the ballss

Liminal! That’s a great word for it.

9 1/2 Wonkas

They should do a Game of Thrones crossover and call it “The Girl With the ‘Where Are My Dragons’ Tattoo”

And that guy’s sense of irony!

On the flipside, I actually love being in places that are supposed to be bustling but are temporarily empty (or nearly empty) of people. I went to college (UCLA) in the same city where I grew up, so I mostly went home (15 minute drive) for holidays anyway, but on occasion I’d wander around campus in the middle of a