
The American Psycho one is what really gets me. That character is literally a psychopathic murderer. Next stop, Hitler, I guess.

We white men will just have to be satisfied with controlling the overwhelming majority of the political offices, cultural output, and financial capital in this country. Woe is us. Woe.

Even Alabama?!

There’s a hilariously large number of custom http response headers that they presumably use for tracking/debugging things, like “x-kinja-build: 4224", information that should not be included unless you’re logged in as a dev/admin or submit a secret code to see debugging info. From other headers I can see that they’re

Just hook it to my veins urethra!

A workaround for that issue (assuming it’s the same one I’ve been having for a couple of years) is to go to “https://kinja.com/dashboard/notifications?x” The reason that works is because the actual URL (/notifications) is getting cached temporarily as a redirect for some reason, so if you bust the cache by adding a

Hey, I didn’t say it was likely.

Anyway, aside from “because it would be funny,” I don’t really want to see Cruise lurching around in his 70s trying to be action guy. I’d prefer if he put his effort into finding someone younger to take over as the franchise lead, and then spend a movie transitioning into that person taking over.

*Missions: Impossible

Not to be too blunt, but countries like Vietnam are insecure—in the literal sense of not being especially secure against foreign adversaries. (Compare to the US, whose only land-border neighbors are close allies.) China directly borders Vietnam and has spent a lot of time trying to claim territory that Vietnam

I go to the movies a lot still but I don’t really get that excited for most of them; this one, I am excited for. Just... does it need to be almost 3 hours long? Some of us don’t have infinite bladder capacity.

If it was anyone else... but yeah, Adele. I’ll allow it.

Because I’m a pedant, I’m obligated to point out that while Endgame and Game of Thrones’ finale both came out in the spring of 2019 (Apr 22 and May 19, respectively), Rise of Skywalker came out many months later, on December 16.

My two favorite explosions are both in Return of the Jedi: The shield generator complex explosion (I love how it happens in three stages; first the building entry, then the dish, then the entire surrounding forest), and the Death Star reactor collapse (with the Millennium Falcon in the foreground, and the explosion


Two people got us the same thing off our wedding registry. As a result, for a while, we had two Rival crock pots.

See MosquitoControl’s response.

That’s a good point; people seem to be falling either on the side of “he’s a monster” or “he’s a saint.” Like, he could be completely innocent of any crimes and still be a huge toxic asshole. That’s a possibility. (I am rendering no opinion on him here.)

I think it’s a sex move of some kind.

I almost choked on my drink, god damn you, here’s a star.