
I am in fuckin' awe at your capacity to transcribe toddler speak.

Go behind her back to get her in programs/aid/whatever. Being a caregiver for a parent, especially for one with a disease like MS, can strain the relationship.

Hugs to all of you dealing with this. I did for almost 20 years (I'm thirty now). May your mothers have a better prognosis than mine.

I'm totally being an asshole in my equivalency. I'm sliding along a slippery slope that is frequently used by bigots to undermine the gay rights' movement (homosexuality leads to paedophilia!11!!!1), but in reverse.

But good to see that is your take-away from my post. I guess.

I read about Adam a while ago, and have a long time to digest the info. And all I feel now is pity. Pity that this young man has to deal with a biological wiring he does not want. Pity that he may lead a full, healthy, beneficial life, and still be judged as scum. Pity that the conversation over sexuality is so

I have photos of the Pont des Artes in 2010, 2012, and 2014.

The lockage was exponential. Few. Scarce. Ridiculous.

I was walking over it about a week before the news hit, and said "this is not tenable. It is going to collapse. It was not designed to deal with this extra load". I like being right? I don't like that I

The trolling — which, in the wake of our post, spread to other sites in our network (to our colleagues: oof, really sorry about that) — has been nothing short of a nightmare.

C'mon. Own this. To be "pro-life" is to actually be anti-life (of the actual woman, and the potential possibility). To be "pro-life" is to enforce a universal circumstance which actually harms women, children, and society. Stop calling these people "pro" anything. They are anti-choice, anti-care,

I'm such an old, I remember when Scarleteen started showing up on my search engines! Glad to see it is still around!

I like to imagine the Jezebel office is littered in Pinterest "footstools built of magazines". Everyone has one, even the animals. Especially the animals. And, as a lark, you send over obnoxiously sized ones to the Lifehacker and Deadspin offices.

Midweek Madness.

Could you hang out by the corner store and furtively request a viewing of a just bought Choice Tabloid? Dressed like Carmen Sandiego? Taking notes like Helen Thomas? It might take all day, but good info does.

Or could you send in a gaggle of teen hipsters, each to swipe a different Choice Tabloid

GG and Pejic have gone down somewhat in my estimation by coming out as transwomen.

It's in the fucking title of the article. Don't sit there and pretend you "accidentally" "made a mistake" and "didn't mean to offend". You purposefully misgendered a human being. You purposefully were rude and inflammatory.

NO. Fuck that. I just (over the past 5 years) bought a bunch of shoes I really like (and rarely wear). If/when I get the pregnant, I will be monitoring my foot size so I can wear my awesome shoes again.

My only piece of bunion related nonsense comes from my mother, who stated that bunion removal surgery was worse than the bunions themselves. And that bunions were the only reason she had gratitude for a wheelchair in the latter part of her life.

I've always thought that the heavy association of tomato/Italian food was also entertaining for the same reason. Now, I get to add 'taters/Irish.

But fine, my ire will now be directed at those fucking peat-cutters.

This. This is the fucking horseshit, assclown, idiotic mentality I just cannot fathom.

The recent immigration history of Australia is highly documented.You're fucking white? You're a fucking immigrant. What is this, a newsflash? Your family has been in Aus. for barely 300 years. Sit the fuck down, and shut up.


There are a variety of Australian accents. Some are broad, some are refined. Some are absolutely lovely.

And some, like these twins, take American ValleyGurl and mix it with BoganNasal and create a hideous phonology, which sounds about as appealing as the screams from a boiled cat.

Definitely Australia. A particular nasal aussie.

3rd paragraph, 3rd sentence. Did you forget to read the whole article before commenting?

Or, some of us with American/Canadian accents grew up in highly Britishised nations? Where "cheers" - or more specifically "cheers, mate" - was normal?
Thanks for making me feel even more self-conscious about my fucked up accent and word choice. Words that are on my list of "don't say unless you want to be mocked