
I like your use of "always" to define the past 300 years of imposed and imported societal norms.

I was really disappointed by the spokesperson for the Elizabeth Fry Society who said that this ruling was a "sad day" for sex workers. And that decriminalizing sex work will lead to a moral confirmation of sex trafficking.

The penis mightier than the proboscis.

There's a pinner called "The Sociological Cinema" which pins things opposite to the rage inducing "Future Bride" shit.

I want to know about the intelligence level of cephalopods more than dolphins. Dolphin meat isn't tantalisingly offered in yummy morsels.

Low blow for homophobe, I know.

I reserve the same ire for my homophobic nephew and grandfather. I also get to tell them about humanism, which is really satisfying/depressing.

Internet Disclaimer: Not all people who share any similarity* to Duck Dynasty Dude are homophobes.

*i.e. Accent; hair style; camo colour;

He's a genuinely good person. He's a caring, loyal, kind, human who just has a really hard time saying things like "That's hurt in the feelings bit" but easily says "I'm a positive feeling about this!". I'm an asshole who has no problems with negative confrontation, and calls my cat "a pissing shitstain" out of love.

A factor in why there is a prevalence to attempt to enhance adult female communication skills rather than male communication skills in a hetero relationship. I've recently been told that I carry a sanctimonious tone - I don't mean to; I write how I think through things. Some of the stuff will be new even to me.

I'm saying it is a factor.

I saw a good man who needed time (and a fucking boot load) of emotional development.

He's also helped me develop too. It's definitely been a learning journey for both of us.

For whatever ingrained reason I'm not surprised he holds those views.

I am surprised he was stupid enough to say them out loud, during a recorded interview which he knew would be placed as the black on white and read all over.

I stopped engaging in fights or discussions while he was using shitty tactics. If, during a fight, he tries it* again, I immediately disengage. I will tell him why ("you began doing X, which we agreed was uncool") then leave the discussion. It's taken nearly 10 years, but we're getting to a good place in the argument

Yeh, totally. I'm always judging my Monet, Cezanne and Van Gogh on the realism of their self-portraits.

An Australian one.

That's fine that it is not for you. In fact, it makes the world a greater place to have people of differing preferences.

But at no point does a different preference need to be defined as "dumb".

It is condescending to apply effort to a comment noting how much you, personally, dislike a particular sport/activity, on a post that is more about a young female moving through a male-dominated sport/activity than it is about the particular sport/activity.

Your comment is dumb.

I've never understood condescending reproach, rage, deluded importance etc. as a spectator sport. But with the number of busy-body haters slamming into other people's enjoyment in recent years, I'm surprise that trolling is still popular enough to be around. You couldn't pay me to hate on an

I still get dreams about vampire giraffes.