I could grow an entire field of organic soybeans with all the bullshit in that last sentence.
I could grow an entire field of organic soybeans with all the bullshit in that last sentence.
You're supposed to be grateful.
There's an internal monologue of Hasselbeck's voice just squealing over the new furniture. It's inflected with pride at being a GoodWoman at making sure her menfolk have clean drinkware.
Can we have an article outlining the [non-]ethical practices of major fashion houses? Sort of in-line with the diversity in hiring models, but also involving sourcing practices, historical context, parent companies, etc. Please?
I have also said this.
I really don't understand the sorority/fraternity system either. Why would I want to paint myself into a corner, forcing a whole bunch of relationships that have no common basis other than "we're in the same house!"?. Especially at a time of life where one is pushing boundaries, exploring new depths, yadda yadda. It's…
Norma Kamali BILL bottom with HALTER bra in "Net Green".
Or close to.
This is why I don't understand the MRM. They're biggest beef is child custody and support. Maybe men would get joint custody automatically if they jointly cared for the child before! And maybe if the MRM supported equal pay, and other feminist issues, they'd find child support would equalize. They're boo-hoo problems…
Or, instead of maternity and paternity leave, why not just parental leave ?
Jez is not exactly meta-aware. "Body shamin' is BAAAAD. But first, looky here at these legs we've scanned for you to peruse b/c cellulite!"
Why are you providing free advertising to a website that just made terrible remarks about Chelsea Manning and her imprisonment?
You have me at a disadvantage. I cannot seem to recall your postings, and therefore cannot parse your tone. So, like, I'm confused. Either you're being sarcastic and implying that me 'n' my comment bullied you, or you're returning the favour of being politic in your response. An explanation would be appreciated, but…
Sorry, but What?
One commenter made a stupid "joke", and is currently being told to STFU because (s)he body-snarked a human being. Jezebel's writers made no comment either way on ASkars' dick, other than to give NSFW access (which is done with LiLo's tits). So what is it "in black and white" that you're "actually…
Thanks for continuing the societal pressure on humans to be perfectly desirable in all ways, at all times, to all people.
You say it was a "moment of levity". Read this: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/…
Not usually, no. But my 17-year old self got a bump from economy to empty first class on a JAL flight, and it was GLORIOUS.
I was bullied the entirety of my pre-university schooling, through 3 schools and two nations. I wore glasses. I was too tall, too young, too fast, read too much, too quiet, too serious, too shy, too asocial, too good at school. Then, I had a funny accent, had a mum in a wheelchair, wouldn't play psychological games,…
I think it helps to have a forum which is widely accessed by the public. A lot of rage comes from feeling impotent against the idiocy. Maddow uses their own idiocy against them, and keeps her cool (b/c you know that at the slightest hint of emotion, it'll be all "lady irrationality" shit) and lets them bury…
I always wonder if the stuffed plastic bags on the side of highways are filled with body parts.
I just realized how morbidly weird that sounds, even to me.