
But apparently SeaAnemone felt it was her/his job to educate the original questioner on "privilege". Rather than be helpful and point to a link, or even a lmgtfy. May SeaAnenome be ever burdened with questions that are never answered.

Isn't that part of the point? If we're shut down from talking about guns during a mourning period, and we're always in a mourning period...

Stupidity is: making the same mistake, and expecting a different outcome.

The platform shoe really does "weigh down" the person. It's visually very drawing, and makes it seem like there is CLUNK to the foot. Especially the 6" raver knee high boot on the 16yo.

Colonialism is an ill that affects many things, but cannot be blamed for absolutely everything distasteful. Doing so ignores the current and actual systematic problems.

+1 real world fun (I am crocheting a beaver for my upcoming god-baby)

It can be, as women are human people and can be completely unattractive in the same way a man can. Way to undermine the feminist movement.

Hooooooooorse Shiiiiiiiiit.


This has made me want to hug Britney.

Unfairness never takes a day off.

I fucking LOVE Australia and its death traps.

Even better is when TheBadConversationalist launches into a complain-fest over not being listened to. Maybe if you didn't start every sentence with "Well, I..." or were capable of having actual empathy instead of empty platitudes, or were a human being more than the sum of your parts...

Go away.

@StrawburiedBlonde @Winn @Vinny Chase

Because some people still equate a religious organization as a force for good, when that is clearly untrue. Mental gymnastics to soothe the soul.

So, you clarified nothing, and added to the misinformation. Good job.

Autism is a spectrum disorder. As such, there are lesser and more severe instances.