Single Track

Looks like Jessica Rabbit’s sister.

Original Title: Should I buy a Miata? Yes Megan, you should buy a Miata.

Article: Megan, go buy a Miata.

Miata is always the answer, but this is damned near the MOST answer it has ever been. Want to quirk it up a bit, get the MazdaSpeed version. Boom, done, you call me.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Riding a motorcycle has certainly made me a better driver.

Sepia = old = good old days = racism was good = wife beating was good = Trumpist conservatism

Have you ever read news reporting on a subject that you know REALLY well? It makes you grind your teeth. Ask any expert, anywhere, how they feel when they read a news article on something they are an expert in.

Since it’s a rate and not an absolute count, the math issue with Elon’s comment isn’t that Teslas haven’t racked up the miles, is that the situations involved with “all cars” and “Teslas while using autopilot” are very different.

To be fair to the media in this case, the Tesla system failed to classify a fire truck (i.e. a not-exactly-inconspicuous vehicle) as something that it should avoid hitting. That sounds like a pretty big failure to me; certainly it’s worth pointing out that the system perhaps isn’t ready for prime-time in that state.

Q: Are all these vw’s going to be shipped all the way back to Germany for their fix, or maybe, just maybe, they’ll be fixed here... creating... jobs.

Chrysler to the rescue, then...

Shoes don’t match outfit? 3/10, would not bang.

Sure, but running into a parked fire truck? Come on.. that’s not even close to working.

seriously, if the driver can’t turn away for a second or five from the task of driving lest he or she dies or commits mass homicide using his or her car, what exactly is the point of these autonomous or semi-autonomous things?

Drivers are taking their eyes off the road without concerns because they bought a system that says it drives for them.

Don’t say they did nothing! They’re great at absorbing heat and really spreading the burn out over as large an area as possible.

They sell the damned things off at auction with virtually no miles on them for sub $5k all the damned time when they paid something like 10x+ that much for them and they just sat in a motor pool on base somewhere for 6 years. At least we got a cool video out of this one.

We found That Guy®.

This is why CAFE is important as well.

Except for the Mercedes.